End of Time Part 1 dilemma

Dec 29, 2009 01:02

Spoilers within, so don't click the cut if you haven't seen it (particularly the end of the episode).  And having a general familiarity with 4chan will probably help considering what I'll be asking, just so you know that too.

Okay, so after the extremely batshit ending in which the Master took the gas-mask zombie thing from season 1, ran with it to a global scale, turned all but a handful** of people into himself, and showed us all how lovely he looks in that pretty pink party dress (doesn't he look happy here?):

I started to think what a world full of Masters would be like.  Of course there's that old saying about how if you meet someone exactly like yourself you either end up trying to kill each other or becoming best friends, although since all the ones we saw seemed to be in a rather good mood, so I'd just assume the latter.  Then I remembered how I thought that if, according to what we saw in The Waters of Mars, the inside of the Doctor's head was Wikipedia (he's possibly the only person who could actually manage to wear out the 'random page' link, y/y?), the inside of the Master's must be 4chan.  Think about it.  If him going back to stop the Magna Carta from being signed, not because it benefits him in any way, but just because it'd piss off the Doctor doesn't count as trolling, then I don't know what does ('The Kings's Demons', 5th Doctor, Ainley!Master.  PBS in Seattle is being evil and starting to show Classic Who again on the same day EoT Part 2 airs, btw).  He'd fit right in.

Okay, know that was a bit long, but my point after that explanation is my realization that even if everyone in the world was physically and mentally transformed into the Master, /b/ would remain exactly the same.

Now, should I:
a) be comforted that at least one thing on Earth wouldn't be changed by this,
2) be amused at the thought of the Master posting Caturday threads, annoying Scientologists, and hacking Bill O'Reilly's email, or
4, no, 3... or c) be horrified that /b/ on an average day already acts like that?

**I  say a 'handful' of people because I'm assuming that there are at least a few humans besides Donna and Wilf out there who were able to avoid being changed, even if we never actually see them.  They're probably either in hiding or trying to start an orgy with the Master!clone army.  (Shut up, you know that shit's going down somewhere.)

edit: Forgot to add that if someone does wanna seriously discuss this, just pick a tangent and I'll go off on it with you.  Would start them myself, but my brain is too busy focusing on all the bits of crack and (implied) slash-tasticness that RTD decided to throw in there.  God damn, if that man isn't going for everything he can get away with in the last episodes he's writing...

ha ha internets, tv, wtf, f!@#ing timelords, f!@#ing 4chan, lol, oh shit rtd's off his meds again, the downfall of modern civilization, doctor who, spoilers at 12 o'clock

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