[ooc: permissions post]

Jul 25, 2011 19:55

Luministi Permissions [general]
Is all right by me! If the conversation is getting a little heavy, I’d prefer to be asked, but if it’s just your everyday stuff, go for it!

Always. Although I warn you, if it gets too far back you may have to remind me to tag. ._.;

All right by me! I prefer getting things up when they are to happen, but if necessary we can totally backdate.

Youuuuuu can try? A hug will likely get Riku stiffening up and not knowing how to react; anything else is going to get him pulling away so fast you don’t even know unless it’s been properly built up to. And honestly, even if Riku doesn’t like it, if it develops organically from the log I’d rather see that than for characters to be forced away from it!

Punching/fighting DO IT. Just. Don’t be surprised when he punches back. And ping me on AIM or something so we can figure out what can/can’t happen?

Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character? Sora’s name. No, I’m kidding. Anything is fine!

Special features & abilities Riku is in the middle of being an ass to Sora, so he’s got just about all of his dark powers. He can make portals to move around Luministi at will, and can make Anti-forms of people if he wants to. Speaking of whiiiiiiich...

Luministi Permissions [for Riku, specifically]
So Riku's got some pretty neat things going on for him. He's all alone, for one. He's got a pretty neat sword, for two, which he can summon in a flash of light at will and dismiss pretty much the same way. For three and four, he can move around the town by way of corridors of darkness and use the darkness to create Anti-forms of people. Sooo...

Could Riku take your character through a dark portal if necessary? Would they let him? What about dragging them through?

What about making an Anti-form of your character?

Anything else Riku should or shouldn't do regarding your character?

Could Riku take your character through a dark portal if necessary? Would they let him? What about dragging them through? It is extreeeeemely unlikely that this would happen, given how Riku works, but as long as he has the ability it is something I'd like to clear up right away.

What about making an Anti-form of your character? This would likely only happen if he was looking to shock/distract/confuse somebody, or distract them while beating a hasty escape... but is more probable than his using the dark portals.

Anything else Riku should or shouldn't do regarding your character? Self-explanatory, really. :>

Thank you kindly!

!housekeeping, !ooc, !permissions

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