Oct 22, 2010 18:43
So it is now October 22, 2010. I have not updated this for quite some time. I currently am at work looking for something to entertain myself with and remembered that live journal would probably be a good site to entertain myself with since I have not been in here in ages it would be fun to go back and read my posts.
I just moved to Neenah, WI. I work at the Best Western Bridgewood Resort which is about 3 miles away from my home. It is very convenient. I graduated college with an associates degree in Hotel Restaurant Management in May and moved from eau claire to here about a month and a half ago.
Luckily both sisters live here otherwise I would go insane. It has been so hard to meet people in the area since I dont have any social outs. I work and interact with about 5 co workers who are all 30+ so I dont have anyone in my age group that I can talk to. It really sucks because I can't make friends.
Luckily my sisters entertain me but it would be nice to have some friends in the area.
It feels weird updating this but I think it would be cool to have incase I die someday and someone runs across it or to look back at a long time from now since life changes so much on a day to day basis.