Dec 26, 2006 04:34
My Christmas gifts were all electronic this year, and they came in the following forms:
- Call from the family (who are all down in FL, celebrating with my grandma)
- A long (for him) e-mail from Jeff which I've read probably 4 or 5 times, and keep reading 'cause I think it's a good one, and want to think fully on how to respond. (I miss him so much.)
+ bonus myspace messages from him as well
(There would have been myspace IMs, but my computer hated me, and my browser crashed every time I tried to open them)
- A convo with David from Texas! (I say Texas, but I actually think he's currently in NM right now). He and I haven't had a back-and-forth convo in a LONG time, and I was so glad to hear from him. Even better the fact that we can not talk for a long time, and then just have a great conversation the next time we see each other. He's planning to backpack through Europe in the Spring, so I'm hoping we can meet up somehow. :)
- Text message-y goodness from Alexia. :)
- Various messages from friends on facebook and myspace.
- The lil myspace comment war with Darrin, which made me laugh.
Yep, Merry Christmas. It was a very quiet one, but that's ok...not a bad thing. And I got to catch up with a number of ppl I haven't talked with in a while. I'm happy. Much love to all!!
PS. Hana Kimi...Helen mentioned it, then I saw it on YouTube. Now I'm hooked, but they only have one and a half episodes subbed, and I'll be honest, my lack of knowledge of Taiwanese or Chinese really hits me hard at this moment. Ack!
jeff r