[01] Reply with your name and I will write something about you.
[02] I will then tell what song[s] remind me of you.
[03] Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise.
[04] Last, i will try to name a single word that best describes you.
[05] Put this in your journal.
I finally got my AOL mail account fixed. I felt bad because as soon as I got in there, there was an e-mail from Jeffykins, about a week old. *wince wince* But it's ok...he and I had talked over MSN so I knew what was in it.
Well, now that V-day is a thing of the past things are looking up. Got a lot accomplished yesterday (namely in the PolSci realm...midterm on Monday...ack ack ack!) I'll have to do a lot of work this weekend, and I think the only "going out" I'll be doing is to the East Quad Masquerage Ball. And ALL OF YOU EAST QUAD-ERS WHO HAVE LJs: You'd better be going! Truth me told, I've been dying for an excuse to get dressed up. That red dress hasn't been worn in two years! ;_; It's begging for attention.
The hall's had it's fluctuations recently. I think there's some repressed people here, yo. Meanwhile, I've been trying to do some "on my own" stuff to decide what I want to do this summer. I'm thinking of staying here and taking classes, though I know my dad is flipping out at the idea. But truly, I don't want to be in at home over the summer. There aren't any good jobs, and I'd be bored as hell since I wouldn't have a car to take myself off to the beach any old time I wanted. Plus, taking classes would give me some more credits, which are always useful. And I'd like to take some Spanish inbetween RCSPAN294 and the readings course for next Fall. So I've been looking into how and when to register, financial aid (I need to fill out the form tonight), etc etc.
I've also been expanding a couple of friendships outside of the group...people I know in the RCSingers, people in my Anthro lecture and discussion classes, David from Spanish class ... David is awesome. He reminds me of
david79 in some way...I think it's the really long hair. XD No, but seriously, they both have similarities in humor. I honestly think that if I didn't love
david79 so much I wouldn't notice when other people are like him and how well I get along with them. Obviously there are plenty of differences...and the same name + long hair had a lot to do with it...but still! (Side Note: HUGE hugs for the Old One. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you on V-day. I left my comp on but I was away from it. I adore you forever. Thank you SO much for being such a good friend to me. ^_^)
But even with planning for the future, expanding friendships and such, I'm still tight with my hall. I love my Jen, and somedays I almost wish I felt differently about things so that I could make her happy...and so I'd know how to slow dance properly. Sorry, girl! I love you! I know she's going to find happiness someday here soon and then I'm gonna be so jealous I'll go drown myself in the Huron. :P
Yyyyyyy...I love Kate. Who doesn't? She's just so great. ^_^
And I love Phil and I love Nate and I love Jefe and I love Allison and I love Hannah and I love ... ok, that list could get really long. :P
And by the way, V-day didn't suck as bad as it could have. Nothing like having a hall full of friends and our hall's groupies coming by to make the day better.
Alright, I think that's enough of an update for now. Got a few more things to check and read before Spanish discussion. Hasta luego!