Aug 24, 2006 20:19
Nothing entirely spectacular.
Did go over my neighbour's last night cos me printer's gone shit so I had to go over theirs to print my newly updated CV off, didnt get back til 1am! Was talking and having a laugh so much I didnt realise the time! No, the neighbours are old, but they like a laugh. Before anyone got the wrong idea!
Had a hot bath this morning, I really needed it. Went up merry hill, mom got my CV photocopied, then went around giving my CV in and getting application forms for places, so things...after a bloody long time...MIGHT just be picking up! :) Also got some batteries for my CD player while I'm away...dont want my CD player dying on me, and got another swimming cozzie and a new pair of jeans...need to look good...5-star luxury all the way! And I cant BLOODY WAIT! :D :D :D :D
Did go back into my old workplace, cos the other shop inside it is shutting down, my mom used to work in it and went to fetch a couple of things, saw my old mate monica, but my old boss as well (who was bit of a tosser) felt so wierd as I hadnt set foot in that place since I left on Christmas Eve...8 months! It feels like an eternity!
Did panic about my uni timetable though, mondays are okay, wednesdays and fridays I'm in early, thursdays I'm off and tuesdays...well thats the bugger...3 till twenty to 6! But luckily, I had a look on when I'm going to in over the year and its not so bad, only for the winter its okay.
Feeling pretty good considering...