RL Issues

May 31, 2005 08:25

ok, well Im really into bringing up real life issues on my lifejournal about my gaming experiences, but its been bugging me for a couple days and I want more opinions. So last friday, my girlfriend (who is currently in france, has been there for 2 months, so things tend to be rough at times) signs on AIM, and you know, im happy cuz i barely get to talk to her much (mostly emails is our form of communication). So anyway, she says hi, and then immediately goes into this "im overweight, i need to lose weight, i hate myelf" kind of thing. She's never really been like this before, just maybe once or twice "ah, i gotta lose weight.." but nothing serious. This time was really different. She kept going off on metaoblisms, and how she should eat more time throughout the day, but the kicker is that she says she's not hungry. So what does she finally decide? She's not gonna eat until she is hungry. Now, im an aspiring med student. My major is Bio Med and I hope to some day get the doctor title. This really upsets me because 1.) its not healthy 2.) she wont listen to reason. I kept trying to say, thats anorexia and I don't want you to hurt yourself.. etc etc all the "i care about you, so dont do this" kinda stuff.. I even suggest a good, common sense work out routine consisting of running, exercising (weights), eating througout the day, and eating right. She blows up and says she knows what she has to do, but she's "not fucking hungry" so she "can't do that." Pretty much at this point i find that it is useless to keep going, and say fuck it, do whatever the fuck you want... shortly thereafter she logged off without saying anything (could be disconnect, could be anything really).. worst case scenario she just didnt want to talk to me anymore. Its just gay because a week ago was our one year anniversary and everything was fine, and now it seems to fall apart. I know this whole thing will blow over in a couple days, but I havent heard from her since friday (4 days ago), hasnt responded to my emails nor signed online. So anyway, does she have cause for reason to be upset at me? was i being a bad boyfriend and was my choice of words too harsh, or out of line? Some might think that i'm not supportive, but much the contrary. I support my gf as best as I can, through all her crazy ideas, and still encouraging her to do more. I dunno what i was hoping to get out of this entry, just post some shit to make me feel better. k thx bai.

Here's some random screeeens...


Broken Castle Thingy!

Farming ^_____^

More Farming >.>;;;;

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