
May 01, 2010 20:24

It's been a long time since I've posted, and I think it's largely because I've been avoiding posting about the wedding. I guess a lot of what I felt that day is too personal to post, and everyone already knows how it went because you were there! So I've decided to just skip posting about it and get on with regular posting.

Today was very productive. I went to Ballet II at OBT for the first time... Saturday morning at 8:30 am is a bit tough, but I was so excited I woke up at 7:15 without my alarm clock. The class was a lot more challenging than Ballet I, so as long as I can manage the early wake-up, I intend to switch over to this one. It's strange, I can tell that I'm maturing, but it's in a pretty odd way. Today during class there were four girls, probably around 12, who had joined the adult class because they had a performance later in the afternoon. When I was younger, I would have been jealous, or depressed because I can't compete with them anymore. Instead, today, watching them just filled me with joy -- it buoyed me to see them dancing, growing, happy and beautiful. I think I've reached a point where I can actually just enjoy what I want to do, without some idea of rank getting in the way. It's a nice and special feeling.

The rest of the day was mostly spent doing chores. I'd been procrastinating housecleaning, but it had finally reached a point where I just couldn't stand it anymore. We have an interview with Herbert's (a work colleague's) housekeeper on Tuesday, so hopefully that works out. According to Herbert, she's much more economical than the agency we used to clean before Aurelie and Thomas' visit.

cleaning, dance

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