Apr 21, 2007 19:07
not really motivated to do much of anything.. i have this huge paper due tuesday.. and it's saturday and i've been working on it so long.. it reminds me of my limitations .. i suck at paper writing.. i don;t think it's far that some people can just write and write for one night and do better then my one week;s worth of work.. possibly beucase i'm a lazy typer.. and make alot of mistakes..
i remember when i was as passionate about you as i am about the sun rising.. i remember when i could think of you for hours.. and it would get me thought the day.. no question i love you.. no question nobody could ever fill your place.. but as to the question as to wherther i am happy.. that requires some debate.. how can i be happy with you so far away.. i know you're home in like a week.. but im not .. it's just this perpetual waiting.. waiting for what.. we've got a good 5 years or more till thinking about marrage.. so whats the point of this.. no question you keep me grounded.. i'd be a crazy lady if it weren;t for you.. so i like that aspect.. i love having you around.. sure there are times i don;t.. but right now it seems like i'd give anything to have you near me.. note to self.. being away at college makes you apreciate the time you have together.. god but so drawn between what i know and what i dont.. knowing the option is out there that it could be over is not really a reasonable option beucase id on;t think it could ever be truly over.. i honestly couldn;t image that.. i wouldnt; want to.. i love waking up thinking about you.. i love dreaming about you.. i love knowing you love me.. i love you .. but i miss you.. and the hase goes over my eyes and i get confused as to why it's worth it.. god knows i know all this is worth it in my heart.. every beat echos for you.. but you kno what .. we havent; a new couple.. it's been a long time.. we;ve been though alot.. we;ve grown.. we;ve changed.. and i can honestly say you're still everything i've wanted and more.. this is beyond lucky because we put so much into this that it isn;t luck.. hey maybe you still make me passionate. i love you kase king
homework time