Nov 30, 2007 16:29
So classes are done YAY! I finally get to stay home in a cig smoke free zone! I have to study hardcore though because Sunday is a family christmas party so I won't be able to study that whole day and I have two exams on Wednesday then one on Saturday (NIGHT AT 7 WHO MAKES THIS SCHEDULE THEY MUST HAVE NO LIFE AND/OR COMPASSION FOR OTHER HUMAN BEINGS)But it's been snowing on/off the whole day and I love it. It's so Christmasy. So I did manage to get Spice Girl tickets to the Feb 4th show! Me, Sara, Kayla, Rachel and Jess are going and I already called Scary Spice so I can wear adidas pants and feel comfortable lol. I'm surprisingly doing the best i've ever done in school and I have no idea how i'm pulling it off because I don't feel like i've done any extra work? lol. Next semister i'm taking a Music and Pop Culture class and i'm pretty sure we get to listen to Elvis in class so...and yes that's the reason i'm taking it! lol, oh and my other classes are going to spank me! I have to take science electives, so I have to find science classes I haven't taken and make sure they fall under my degree program and they are so lame. Example, i'm taking Membrane Biochemistry next semister, wow sounds like a riot am i right? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Okay, anyways I gotta study, make din din and watch the y&r lol.