Why hello there.

Oct 03, 2007 22:10

So, I really haven't written in here forever, I wish I could say it's because i'm busy but then of course i'd be lying. I really only use LJ to read ONTD and get my celebrity gossip for the day. Anyways, this weekend is thanksgiving (YES!) and it's a big weekend for me
1. See Tegan and Sara in London on Saturday.
2. Go to work for the last two days of the season.
3. Start listening to Christmas music.
Yes, that's right, I love Christmas music and i'm not ashamed to admit it.
I'm going to be jumping around a lot in this entry so please just deal with it. Yesterday me and Sara watched Spice World at her house and her and her boyfriend live together and are sort of having problems right now so it was kinda awkward for me being in the same room with them while she's begging him to spend time with her and he'd rather play online poker. Gay. Speaking of Sara, we're going indoor minigolfing tomorrow, so look for the pictures on facebook cause you know you will love them. And also speaking of the Spice Girls, you all know by now that they're doing a tour and I put my name in for the Toronto show, they haven't handed out the promo codes so you can actually buy the tickets yet but i'm keeping the faith that i'm going to get them. I've been really selective about who i'm going to ask since you can only buy up to 6 tickets, I don't want to turn people down because then I just feel bad. So far i'm asked Sara, Rachel, Jess and Kayla (who I work with at the Safari, and we both go to Guelph, and we both seem to enjoy the same things.) so I already called Sporty spice, and bullied Kayla into being posh, so i'm going to have to consult with the others to see who they're going to be. I kinda don't want to ask anyone else because spice girls are 5 girls, not 6. Speaking of Kayla (there are a lot of speaking ofs in this entry okay, just deal.) we keep trying to hang out and it never ends up happening, but we have found a common ground...HALLOWEENTOWN! That's right, those super cheesy disney made for tv movies is going to bring us together lol. I bought two of the dvds off ebay and we're going to chill and watch them because we are obviously cool like that.
Schools going okay, I have one DE course, ecology, and it's not really that bad. I was warned by the girl at the bookstore that there was a lot of reading, but she also has no idea of my fast reading abilities and i'm ahead in reading in that class. I'm taking a Horse Management Science course that's not really that bad. It's certainly interesting to see all the muscles and ligaments of the horse, and my prof actually looks at the horse reproductive system and tries to incorporate it with endangered species that we don't know that much about. She said she works with elephants, which got me thinking that maybe next year i'm going to ask Trish at the Safari if I could switch to working with the elephants. How cool would that be? I'd clean up their massive shit for that.
Anyways, i'm going to go to bed now, and this is a novel so by the time you finish reading it, it will be daylight out.
P.S. I hope Britney gets her life together. I haven't given up hope on her yet lol. and her song Been Awhile is fucking hot. check it out.
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