- take a spinning class. DONE! I didn't love it as much as I thought I would. It was a little too subjective for me and i wasn't sure if i was working hard enough. I would like to take another one and try again.
- have an evening out with Chris (we are going to a hockey game on 3/18 so i know this one will happen!) DONE! We had a yummy dinner before the game and a great time at the game. Our team won and we seemed to really enjoyed each other's company.
- start a small vegetable garden with Sidney. DONE! We planted cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, green peppers and orange peppers. The cherry tomatoes are starting to come out! Sidney thought they were little green apples but was even more excited when i told him what they were. Potted gardening is so much easier than beds!
- take it easy and enjoy running the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon (since i have little recollection of the Magic Kingdom portion of the Disney marathon!). DONE! This was the most fun race I've ever run. I can't wait to do it next year!
- meet a friend/family/couple and go on a 'date with them. DONE! Though I haven't really gone on any "dates", I have met quite a few new people this month. I chatted up two new mom friends and have some plans to get together this month. I also joined a new running group and look forward to getting to know them a little better (actually - my first run with them was at 5 this morning - which is only 5 hours into April - so it counts as a new friend date!
- organize my closet. DONE! I thought I had gotten rid of all the things I never wore - but 5 shopping bags to Goodwill later - i learned otherwise. But things are nicely organized now - and i can see just how few clothes i actually have.
- buy a new wallet!!! DONE! (yesterday!) I even went to the mall last week but couldn't find anything that wasn't horrid... so i found one on EBay yesterday!
- clean out work file cabinet and send old stuff to NY DONE! $53 later... my files will be waiting for me on Monday when i get to the office. My file cabinet is no longer bursting open!
Overall - a really great month. I was busy and productive but not overwhelmed. I felt super tired for a few days in a row (which is really unlike me) but i rested up and still managed to get everything done. Sidney and I have been having really great days and the weather finally started warming up enough to go play outside again. Chris and I are trying hard to connect with each other a little more and have less tag-team marriage/parenting. We've had some fun playdates and spent some time with friends we haven' t seen much of. Work is super busy but it's under control. I'm glad Spring is here and the sun is out. We were teased by a few really warm days and i'm looking forward to Summer.
Happy April!