Fic - "Advice" - Doctor Who/Torchwood

Feb 24, 2008 17:02

Title: Advice
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: K+
Pairings: Jack/Gwen, slight Rose/Doctor
Summary: A familiar face pops in to give Jack some advice whilst he laments Gwen's engagement to Rhys..
Author's Note: Written for the prompt "Ache" from philippa_, and also had to include the line "Bam, bam, strawberry jam!" Don't ask. PSE videos are bizarre ( Read more... )

fanfic, gwen/jack, torchwood, doctor who

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luxuria_oceanus February 25 2008, 05:06:41 UTC
I really shouldn't be reading anything at the moment and in a bit of a rush, but once I noticed there was a Ten/Rose hint in it, I was curious and after the first few paragraphs, I was hooked.

Love this! Lovely characterization and all in all, very well written XD


radiotardislive February 25 2008, 20:19:29 UTC
Hehe.. go on, indulge yourself! That's what I do most of the time: "Oh, well, I'll just read this one....." (That's what I did for most of your Jack/Gwen "You, I Collide" fic (or whatever it's called, sorry if I just defaced it then by giving it the wrong name!))

Thank you!


luxuria_oceanus February 26 2008, 01:19:51 UTC
No defacing done, trust me XD (You and I, Collide is the actual name, like the song by Howie Day which I *love*). I love reading Jack/Gwen, but being perfectly honest, it's so rare to find them written right and you, my darling, stayed true to every bit of them and for that, I say *thank you* and you're more than welcome. Hope to see more Jack/Gwen bits from you! (If college doesn't have me drowned in obvious no fun textbooks *grrr*)


radiotardislive February 26 2008, 19:47:33 UTC
Aw, thank you! May I take this opportunity to say that you write Jack/Gwen rather wonderfully too :) *hugs*

Don't worry, I've claimed Gwen on fanfic100, and they're all going to be Jack/Gwen, so there will be masses more.... mwahaha.... ;D


luxuria_oceanus February 27 2008, 18:35:28 UTC
Thank you!

Oh, fanfic100? *squees!* I took my first table from there (and finished it, by some miracle) for another fandom. XD 100 bits of Gwen and possible Jack/Gwen at that? *squees!* That deserves some squishy love! *squish hug!*


radiotardislive February 28 2008, 18:26:55 UTC
Whee! Squishy love! *squish hugs you back*

Ooh, what was your fandom? I'm working on a table my friend set me, and it's multi-fandoms, thank the Lord! It's taking me ages though.. ah well!


luxuria_oceanus February 28 2008, 20:59:20 UTC
It was Stargate Atlantis, 100 drabbles (100 words multiplied by 100 O.O OI!) of John/Elizabeth. Making 100 drabbles of the same pairing and fandom... is kills you. Makes you happy, sure, but KILLS YOU!


radiotardislive March 1 2008, 18:58:16 UTC
Oh dear.. well, hopefully writing Gwen will be fun!


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