Jan 03, 2010 17:22
Happy New Year everyone.
I just had a really annoying experience in Morrisons carpark, I was followed by a guy demanding my number, I got in the car but then he stood infornt of it and wouldnt let me go...It was really scary at that point, he was saying he wasnt gonna let me go untill I gave him my number. Ugh, why do guys feel they have to turn themselves into absolute pricks to women to get some kind of reaction. Its funny because I was thinking yesterday about lone women drivers in America having werid man dummies to make it look although they wernt alone in the car. Im lucky that J who is usually with me looks like such a thug. ha.
For new years it was pretty downkey, me and J and James went to our collegues house. It was fun, but me and J ducked out about one.
I dont know why but I felt very hung over the next day and J not at all, even though he was very drunk when he got home and I wasnt, he even uttered those immortal words, "Your sooo drunk" to me, tssht. We drove back to our flat via Tescos so I could have a restorative Veggie breakfast, which was amazing, even though the tesco chef guy stared at me like I was asking to fuck his earhole when I asked for a veggie sausage, maybe I did him some permenant damage because he brought me fried eggs(?) before I had to go and remind him that the eggs wernt the sausages I asked for. We bought supplies ready to relax and not do much in a calmer environment after christmas at my parents house. Nothing much happened after that, I made an amazing veggie curry though..
Yesterday I went to IKEA; I love that place. We got some bits for our place, mostly kitchen stuff, ugh I love cookware at the moment. Later on N took the piss about it but I dont care, being a bit middle-aged is fun! Saying that...I just took some scones out the oven and they should be cool by now.