
Mar 20, 2012 04:55

Resolution #1: I will never again start reading a 150K word big bang "just cos" at 8pm in the evening.

Resolution #2: I will never again read a story that comes with an encyclopedia of warnings.

Resolution #3: When I am given MULTIPLE header warnings on a fic, I will heed them.

Resolution #4: When I get a "bad feeling" halfway through a fic--which I wouldn't be halfway through had I already adopted resolutions 1 through 3 above--I will STOP reading immediately and not see it through to the bitter end in some kind of stoic/masochistic/foolhardy seppuku-type move. [HA--funny I should allude to suicide and knives considering the fic in question. Also, not funny at all.]

I've got to know, is there a support group for those who've made it through When Love Fails? I'm not even joking. I feel kinda hollowed-out right now, banged-up and bruised, like I've just had everything and the kitchen sink thrown at me and no one will tell me WHY.

Resolution #5: Read less downward-spiraly, scorched-earth fanfic.

Resolution #6: Get more sleep.
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