Oct 24, 2007 12:56
i'm bored and procrastinating being productive. what better way to delay that even further than a survey.
1.What's worse? Liars or cheaters?
they're both pretty bad and usually, go hand in hand.
2. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive i guess. i never forget.
3. Can men and women be "Just Friends"?
yeah i think so. most of my friends are guys and i never had an attraction to them. but then again, who knows how they really feel about me. so far, no one's solicited me for sex, so it's all good.
4. How do you feel about dating a close friend?
6. What was your last meal?
some life cereal and a banana. delicious!
8. When you are "In Love" do you notice other people?
of course. if you say you don't, you're lying.
9. Is flirting cheating?
no, flirting is usually innocent as long as it stays that way.
10. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?
1 great friend
11. If someone called you a dick would you be offended?
no, i get called a dick all the time. ryan used to call me dick wolf which was so kindly passed on to the boys.
12. Are you okay with your boyfriend/girlfriend being friends with an ex?
i guess. can't really say considering i've only had one and now we're broken up but still friends.
13. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
14. Favorite sport?
i hate sports. i can't even think of one i'd enjoy watching. i guess football is okay.
15. Do you like diet soda?
yeah i live on it
16. Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube?
middle i guess. squeezing from the bottom unless it's just about empty is just making things more difficult.
17. How do you feel about tanning booths?
death traps. i tanned once and looked like a lobster. now i just stay out of the sun all together.
18. Friends with benefits?
just end up fucking up shit more.
19. Do you believe in angels?
i guess
20. Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
22. Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?
yeah, actually. that was my first kiss
23. Have you ever had any type of relationship with a married person?
no, that's pretty unappealing.
24. What color looks best on you?
black and green
26. Ever break up with someone and regret it?
only when i was drunk
28. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
fuck that, knowing my luck i'd die.
30. What is the sexiest scent?
i like the smell of cologne and pot to tell you the truth. classy right?
32. Favorite song?
i don't really have an overall. i have favorite songs of the moment preferably tammany hall nyc- cindy, nil lara- fighting for my love, martin sexton- diner, chris brown- kiss kiss, josh radin- everything'll be alright. guess how 4 out of 5 of the songs are linked.
33. Favorite movie?
i don't know if i really have one. i guess if i do it's sabrina. i love that movie.
34. What's your occupation?
culinary student.
35. What is your astrological sign?
36. Are you a beach, country or city person?
as much as i like the city i'm kind of a country too. not like hick country. like hamptons or hudson valley country. definitely not a beach person.
37. Have you ever seen or called anyone you met on MySpace?
no but i met all of my friends from my first year of college on a livejournal group that was created by one them.
38. Have you ever had a "secret affair"?
no, i've just had freakish worshippers. my life's not that exciting.
39. If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be?
i don't know. i'm not really a fan of animals. it would be cool to own a cow or a duck. although really, i want to own chickens.
40. Favorite movie as a child?
all disney movies. i was very melodramatic. i would cry hysterically when they ripped apart cinderella's dress. loved little mermaid.
43. Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work ?
yup, first time i worked at the county and the next day i was consoled by a bunch of women who have been divorced multiple times and a bag of lindt chocolates. the second time, i was lucky enough for it to be on father's day so i just had to cook the breakfast i promised while hysterically crying. that was a lovely day for my dad i'm sure.
44. Favorite summer drink?
really cold water. sex on the beach.
45. Can you change a car tire?
no, but i can get it fixed all by myself.
47. Favorite candle scent?
no idea. i haven't had a candle in my living area in years. i can tell you i hate the apple cinnamon though.
48. Would you consider yourself adventurous?
i'm becoming more and more adventurous. i used to be.
49. What is your MySpace profile song?
everything'll be alright
50. Last concert attended?
ha. i hate concerts. it was probably when i was with ryan. which i think was a year ago in brooklyn. i'll go with iron and wine where i almost got danced upon by this gigantic, drunk british man who looked like he belonged at a twisted sister concert.
51. Would you date someone 5 years older than u?
that sounds perfect.
52. Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers?
if i was drunk enough, no problem
53. Can you shoot pool?
no, it's really awful
54. Do you like your siblings' significant others?
i don't really know if i like her or not considering they've been going out for like 2 1/2 years and i haven't said hello yet.
55. Can you drive a stick?
no, never tried/had to
56. When you marry will you wear white?
probably a pearl color or something.
57. Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call?
yeah, i'm pathetic.
58. Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach?
no, i hate the beach. i've skipped school and spent the day in the city though.
59. Favorite TV show
does that really have to be answered? scrubs. and this is the answer to question 32.
60. Last piercing you got?
probably the top of my ear when i was 18 or 19