Title: A Tale Of Two Tylers
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Wonderfalls
Characters: Ten, Rose, Jack; Jaye, Sharon, Eric--and a few others!
Rating: PG
Total Word Count: 9,708
Summary: "Alien possession," Jaye Tyler said to the strange pair leaning against her kitchen sink. "You think I'm possessed by an alien? Really?"
Disclaimer: I don't own Wonderfalls or Doctor Who--I just like to pretend I do.
Warnings: Spoilers for the first series of new Doctor Who.
Beta'd by:
wildalyss ,
osprey_archer , and
shah_of_blah. I don't know how I ended up with three betas, but they're all amazing.
Author's Notes: You can definitely read this if you've seen
Doctor Who but not
Wonderfalls; I'm not sure it works quite as well the other way around, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Takes place post-Wonderfalls and mid-Doctor Who series two.
Links to each chapter
Information Frog |
Things Get Odder |
And Harkness Makes Three |
The Animals Have Eyes |
Prescription |
Epilogue |
Alternatively, you can read it all at