whedonland's writing challenges have been getting me back into the fanfiction in a big way. not as big a way as my first real full-length fanfic (a crossover, at that!) that's in the editing stages right now (i'm super, super excited about that, btw), but when team buffy needs points, i come a-writing. here are three samples of the writing i've done for challenges/activities there.
Title: Birds and Bees
Fandom: BTVS
Ships: Spike/Willow
A/N: my first-ever attempt at spillow; this was written as a present for
rua1412 in a mini gift-giving party. i also made a few signature banners (and i love making sig banners! seriously, let me know if you ever want one), but i still think this was the best thing i made.
When Spike realized Red went for birds (and not the bees), his first thought was "good on her." He was sick of watching her little self-involved scooby pals forget about the girl's heartbreak time and again. So now Red's got a dirty little secret that makes her happy and doesn't involve the others? Well, she was the smart one.
He'd always thought the girl deserved more, anyway. Maybe he didn't notice it at first, what with the super-strength slayer trying to kill him all the time, but by his third trip to Sunnydale it was clear which one of the lot had the compassion to be worth anything. Had Buffy baked everyone cookies after she made a mistake? Had she ever been upset - if just for a minute - that Spike couldn't bite her? (He wouldn't even get started on the English bookkeep or the...well, Xander...)
She was the only one worth anything, and she'd given up the men-folk for something new.
The men were going to be missing out.
When Spike realized Red went for birds (and not the bees), his second thought was really a bit different.
Title: Magic
Fandom: BTVS
Ships: Willow/Tara
A/N: the challenge was to write about a favorite weapon. it's not one of my favorite pieces of writing i've done... i think the voice isn't bad, but there's not much there.
Tara glances at her hands as Willows holds them, at Willow's lips as they chant with her own.
This is what she loves about magic. She and Willow are finding a way to immobilize Glory, just for a minute, and they do the entire process sans knives, or guns, or stakes.
When it comes down to magic, her weapons are her brain, her speech, her motions- all the things she tried to hide from the world, all the things that once made her ashamed.
When she chants, she doesn't stutter. When she holds Willow's hands, they can save the world.
Title: Into The Black
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River
A/N: this was a haiku challenge, and while i didn't win, i am fairly fond of my entry.
Eaten by the cold
She hides in her box; waiting
Remembers their games
She hates her brain now
Intelligence made lethal
They sang as they cut
Lobe cortex synapse
Not smart enough to stop them
Frost swallows her whole.
there's more where these came from, and i'll also be posting the entries to a few graphics challenges here. (my apologies to
shah_of_blah, who's seen most of this stuff already by e-mail!) none of my stuff has placed yet, which, considering the number of entries to these challenges, isn't surprising but does make me a little sad. if you have feedback on any of the work i'd love to hear it!
also, i'd just like to give everyone who's been kind enough to friend me a heads up that i will (probably) not be posting this frequently once school starts up again. so your f-lists will be safe. : )