If I had it to do over I'd have been a ballerina.

Mar 09, 2007 03:21

Beer plus patches of ice = slippage. I caught myself. It gave me an intense feeling of hope and accomplishment because I did not fall. I caught myself. If I can catch myself under such circumstace I should be alright for most other slippage.

That was not the point of this entry but it seems that I have forgotten the real point. It makes me sad that I can't remember. It was a view on humanity. When isn't it though?

My never calling any one caught up to me today. Oh well.

I always crush my ramen noodles up before I cook them and tonight I decided I wanted extra long noodles. I suppose everyone will know what this means because I don't.  Perhaps I'm drunk. :- O !

I see your smile in a stranger and it makes my heart melt. I wonder if any one has ever felt about me, the way I've felt in others. That I want you so bad but I know I will never have you. Uhg. I sort of hope they have not. It's not the best feeling ever. Not at all.

Curse myself for forgetting my brilliant idea. Haha.
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