I was actually working on a completely different update, but realized that I needed to post about my latest find when roaming through Japanese used clothes stores; because srsly! An awesome Jacket is awesome, which the Ianto of my icon can attest to as he sniffs that RAF-Jacket!! ♥ okay, so maybe he's mostly missing Jacket.... haha! see what I did there? no? ehm, ..okay I'm gonna shut up now.
So back to that which is awesome!!
Without further ado (but plz ignore PJ-bottoms!):
A funny fact: I bought a traditional Japanese
Jinbei together with this Jacket.
The girl at the cash register had luls over my, she called it "East meets West", shopping style.
On a similar note; having acquired this piece of awesome I now realize that I need to get a real bike.
And the license that comes with it. Haha, still totally worth it!!
So what do you guys think?? Is this jacket qualified as awesome winning?
edit: whoa, how weird is it that most of my latest posts have been made around or close to 0200... I guess it explains the content, stupid o'clock indeed!