Just wanted to make a small update with a few necessities;
First off...
I have a BIIIG problem with accessing eljay, cause the computers in my school have a Blog block, and at home I can't access the internet as easily as I could before. So don't get pissed at me if I don't reply to your comments, if there's something important I'd love it if you wrote me a mail!
Now onto the stuff going on in my life;
I'm having finals, which sucks cause I basically have to take all the tests.
Tomorrow; I hope I'm only doing the English part, cause I haven't recieved textbooks to study for the others. Oh well. Wouldn't surprise me if I have to do everything... that's what I've had to do with the other subjects. Guh. ._.;;
Finally have some freetime to just do what I want and hang with friends.
Doesn't really count for anything since it's during the test-week so everyone is studying. But I get to spend time in school with my friends. Which is kool. chinami ni, I have broken into a Japanese high school o///o! Hopefully after test week me and Kana will go to Kyoto-Matsuri. And sometime time summer we've promised to dress up in Yukata and go to a festival!!! That and I wanna go to Nara with some of the hidden Otaku club on my school. Woot.
STILL HAVEN'T SEEN EPISODE 3!!! *crys* (it was bad enough to not get to wait in line with my nerd friends in Sweden) Unfair that it come out much later in Japan!! ;____;
proving how much I wanna see Star Wars Ep3...when everyone around me picks it up! ;;
T 「ちなみに今…エピソード2がやってる(^-^)v」
F 「貴至くんは何するかなぁって思ってテレビを見てる??エピソード2を見なぃの!?(*^o^*)ちなみに映画を見に行きたいな~♪」
T 「エピソード2は今ちょうど終わった(>_<)俺は今ご飯たべてます*エピソード3見に行ってもいぃけど…俺、スターウォーズあんま知らねん(*_*)今度おしえてくれる???」
F 「そんなに知らんか??絶対なんでもスターウォーズについて教えるわ♪しかし、貴至くんは興味があるかどぅか(*’o’*)ほかの映画も見に行ってもいぃょ*」
T 「あ、でもフィリちゃんスターウォーズめっちゃ見たそぅやから*」
F 「ちゃんと何でも見たぃから貴至くんの好きな方がウチのよりもいぃっぽい♪やろー!!」
T 「だってスターウォーズも面白くなぃわけじゃなぃし♪」
...Just a small part of our convo. And you get to see some of Kansaiben ^^' Promise I'll post some about it later! Tell me if you figured some of it out XD!
Going to Tokyo in August to see
hinoai and
chynoi. We're gonna see PRINCE OF TENNIS MUSICAL!!! ASDFGHJKL;!! Feel my pure joy!
I so intend to work very hard (isshoukenme!) on my Japanese for that event. I actually rewatched some of the earlier Musicals and found that I understood a lot of it *___* guuuh. But there is still a long way to go... And then getting to finally meet Hiku and Hi-chan!!! Kyaaa! Fangirl together! I so wanna cosplay @ Comiket with Hiku though .___. I'm gonna try to make it happen, or we'll have to go cosplay on a sunday in Harajuku otherwise!!!!! Gonna make it happen!! I am so looking forward to seeing you!!
Finally have friends! Wooooh! *is such a dork..!*
There are a lot of times when I feel like I just wanna give up on the language learning, cause it gets frustrating... people don't understand what you want to say, you get told off about your language inabilities and such. This is one of the things that makes you want to keep going.
ゆり 「ふぃりちゃんめーるまぢ日本人見たぃゃなァ(´▽`*)笑すごっ!」
ちぇ 「フィリちゃん、普通に漢字でびっくりした*私のメールのほうが何か変な日本語みたいやったなぁ;;またいろんなお話しようなぁ♥」
たかし 「そぅフィリちゃんもぅ日本人やで(^ヘ^)v」
かな 「カナも嬉しい^^ヨカッタな↑あぁカナのフィリチャンが取られたT-T笑」
たか 「さいきん、あんまりしゃべらなくてゴメンねm(__)mフィリちゃんはgood friendだよ**」
Wee! Kana is very special though, she's been with me since the very beginning and we still laugh at everything. I'm so lucky to have met her!!!
Japanese, ...is a sexy language. Me ♥s it.
OMFG. Book Off demands love.
Their Ladies section would seem small, but infact covers about five big bookcases. I actually found 「形而上なぼくら」 when I was browsing through the bookcases. So ofcourse I bought it, and *guuussshhhh* it's in KANSAIBEN (I already knew it was, but omfg!) and there is so much love in reading it in untranslated version... omg... drool dribble at all the undertones of teh Kansai that I can understand. And laughing over how I can hear their intonation in my head. (Note; Kansaiben uses crazy intonations!)
And then I bought "RIP SLYME - Orchestra Plus" which is basically some of their songs done in Orchestra or Poetry version. I just HAD to buy it, besides it was about 5 dollars. XD I LOVE "Rakuen Beibe-" and "one"... almost cried laughing when I heard it the first time. ROFLMAO. So gonna post some here later!
AAAAANNNNDDDD. Does anyone know if "Aishiteruze Beibe*" has been scanlated/translated? Cause if it hasn't I'm SOOO making that my project when I get home!!! Even though it's het and sort of weird, it has grown on me... It's really easy... (took me about half a day to read through the first volume, which an english manga is just some hours short!) so I totally know I can kick that one off without any help. 8D I live with that sort of school language every day, so I'm up for the challenge. I'm still a bit hesitent to picking up titles like "Death Note" because of the difficult language that sort of Manga (kitto!) use.
I should re-read the first part of "D.Gray Man" now. It might still be a bit difficult, but there's a lot of stuff that I already understood the first time I read it... so hopefully the part that messed it up was mostly grammar points and lack of vocab. Still don't know if it's my type of manga... a bit too scary (...kamoshirehen). x///x Oh well.
* * * * *
And thus my one request to f-list is: Please check if 「愛してるぜベイベ*」 has already been scanlated? :3 That and heads up on some good manga titles I need to check out.
LAST NOTE: Still haven't felt a earthquake ;////; Lucky~