but you don't know what real love is ;;

May 21, 2008 03:24

I'm online now, at crazy 3 in the morning, giving up on BOP and deciding that doing my reading log will still be productive somehow.
Shoot, I'm lazy to carry my bulky files home from my locker :(

Anways, YT finally decided to clear things up, and scaringly, it's really affecting me less than I thought it would. In other words, it has affected me none at all. Apparently I have learnt that I can live without him, I don't need someone with pride shoved up their ass. I have somehow fallen for him, then fallen out. Now I don't want to think about him, because of gag reflexes you know?

I'm not being mean, but that's the stage it has come too. I don't need attitude from you. Tell me straight, no need for the attitude in between. But I guess this is what you're capable of, and I'm capable of saying byebye you freaking flirt.
Yeah. You are. Damn it you are. Sub-conciously you're slipping back into your old self. You though changing yourself wuld be so easy huh? You are also what people sometimes say you are. You can be cocky at times, but I took t that you were simply just proud of your class. I didn't see on the overly though.

Thankfully it angry fits I can still rant random stuff about you to someone and it'll be fine afterwards. I know hat is better than taking it out on you. No big deal, avoiding someone can be easy if I really try.

Byebye friend. But please don't break someone else's heart.
Kudos from 3 in the morning, I think I'm suffering the after effects of gastric >.< fcuking pain can.
And obviously I'm trying to kill myself, but you don't need to know that. All I know is my day probably is much better for me than it was a read for you.

these words just fell from the sky, rants, yintak, life

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