I drowned out all my senses ;;

May 20, 2008 22:08

I shall post something. Because I think I got like really high then kind of shitty then high again, and Cherie was looking at me like I'm some crazy person. especially during CME and math.

CME SHOULD NEVER, NEVER BE USED FOR MATH. It's too early for math, didn't anyone tell you that?
So i got super pissed off when I got back my math fac test paper, and Cherie did like SUPERRRRRR FREAKING NO-WAY WELL! :( damn sad. Joel did super well too. How can? I'm not being competitive, but my grade is NOWHERE near theirs. Like, HELL. So after being like really really quiet for a moment (which is when you should really start worrying), I decided to take it out on my answer script with a pencil.

Yeah, devil bunnys make you feel much much better.

It started with a smiley face. I swear, poor bunny. But it's going to get you EY, just wait and see..........

Ha ha. Whatever. Had short consultation with Bobby and Ms Sim after school, before heading over to the library to meet friend to study. (I made frienda and alight and come back to school to find me. And surpringly, he agreed) Desperately tried BOP, finally understood why the AS curve looked that way. Complained that the library makes me want to sleep, then friend said we should go to one of the benches at E block to study. So we moved. And like half an hour later friend declared braindead, and so did I so we ended up at the grand stand.

Playing with Farhanah is like playing with fire. Now I know. Friend's reaction was like as if we were kids caught doing something we weren't supposed to do. Wonder why so scared. Oh wells. I had company all the way till 8 came so I'm a happy happy person.

Talks at the grand stand are just pure and utter LOVE.

I swear, without YH today, it would have totally sucked.
I want to sit at the grand stand with just you by my side again.

Hurray, I'm learning to get rid of the assholes in my life.
I've got Paramore on repeat.

these words just fell from the sky, friends, life, school

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