1. So. New images from the Jonah Hex movie have landed at MTv.
I have this sick fascination with the whole production, but I don't know that I can bring myself to see the darned thing when it hits theaters. It's similar to the way that I read every single xkcd strip because I really enjoy disliking them so much. Except that Jonah Hex also makes me
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The Enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types. Everyone is considered to be one single type, although one can have traits belonging to other ones. While it's uncertain whether this type is genetically determined, many believe it is already in place at birth.
On the subject of skeevey mustaches, here is another photo of a guy who looks rather suspiciously like the Makeshift Man. (To add to the collection begun by these two pictures.)
SIGH.Truly, my life has generally improved by a fine small margin since I've gotten into the habit of bringing my own bag to the grocery store. I happily live right across the street from one-well-stocked and reasonably priced-and so driving is entirely unnecessary, even in very cold weather. I have several very nice cloth bags of extremely sturdy
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