Weekly art news, huzzah!
Follow the Leaders: The Art of the Political Portrait Enigmatic Smile of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa a Sign of Ill Health - While this is really cool, this humble JoJo would kindly also like to remind astute readers that works of art are not photographs, and that while careful study from observation is evident in the finest paintings of yore, and their more contemporary counterparts, they also draw their particular contents from the artists' inspiration, and also from simple human error or "error". Therefore, we ought to proceed with caution before saying, for example, that long fingers in a painting are evidence of a genetic disorder; it might simply be that the painter drew in slightly unnatural proportions.
First Double Portrait of Princes William and Harry Unveiled - The first? Really? Man, current British royal family, isn't it, like, your royal duty to be, like, always getting painted? Isn't that basically the second rule of being royal? 1. Wear crown right way up, 2. Get painted, like, friggin' all the time.
What, No iPhones? Art That Makes Your Blood Run Cold War is Hell, but Armour is a Heavenly Art Divided We StandPhotography from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh On the Difficulty of Drawing Women's FacesMeditations on Women's Faces and Difficulties Thereupon Computer Method "Spots Art Fakes" Seriously, What's So Bad About Adverbs? - Ah, it warms the cockles of my heart to see an article from a science fiction culture magazine speaking about grammar usage. Of course, this humble JoJo is, herself, an unapologetically purple writer, as is very, very, very obvious to the casual onlooker, I'm sure. One would also point out that in the sentence, "Use adverbs sparingly," the word "sparingly" is, itself, an adverb, and the sentence loses its proper meaning with its omission.
5 Simple Rules for Turning Your Cool Idea into a Screenplay Humor Blog Takes Masterpieces Down a Notch - What say ye? Rolling in the aisles, or just rolling the eyes?
Inside, Outside, All Around the AestheticsApproaching Abstraction For Expatriates in China, Creative Lives of PlentyExpat Art Writing Gay Characters How Not to Write About Africa Schism British Bands Get Royal Stamp of Approval Artists Master He-Man's Cartoon Universe Riddle of the Two Van Dycks Why Film Schools Teach Screenwriters not to Pass the Bechdel TestRemember When I Said They Teach You not to Write Screenplays with Women as Leads? - Featured story for the week. Feeling a little horrified? 'Cause...We all really ought to be. So what can we, as creatives and consumers, do about this? Thoughts?