LinkJoJo: I am afraid.
Casey: why? because all art has been rendered pointless by the creation of this perfect image?
JoJo: Yes.
Casey: indeed. You could always get into baking. much as I love it when you send me pictures, I have to say, if you sent pies...
JoJo: Yes. This is what I must do. I shall devote my life to the study of scones and bundts.
Casey: sometimes they bundt in football... I think
JoJo: I think you're right.
Unrelated: Ridiculous temperatures! Really, North Dakota? Total temperature with windchill factor of -40F/-40C? Really? My car sits there in the parking lot at work in the full sunlight and I have to jump start it to go home? Boy oh boy, but you've really gotta learn to cut this out, North Dakota. *Sigh.*
Unrelated: Was painting, but then I stopped to skin
banandroid 's blog, which is part of his Christmas gift. Made to match his business card that I made, which was also part of his gift.
Just needs one or two more little tweaks (to the blog skin), but I am tired. Gotta go get, like, three hours of sleep now, before I get up for my probationary review meeting at work. Whoo-oo-oo-oo...
Ma-a-a-a-an, but I've gotta draw me some new emoticons one of these days. One that ain't all made up of lousy-stupid.