I agree that most of Auburn is all about partying/getting drunk. But not all of us are like this. There are plenty of other fun things to do, even though it may not seem like it sometimes. Suggestions if you don't want to party: star gazing, bookstore, coffee shops, quiet walks downtown/on campus, renting movies, playgrounds at night, going to shows at PJs or something......ya know, the usual dorky stuff I always find myself doing since I don't party at all. Blah. Well, if you ever find yourself not wanting to party, give me a call! Oh yeah, my number=407.342.9004.
Perhaps this weekend? Friday night or Saturday night or something? Or maybe we can meet up at the football game and show off our new enthusiasm for Auburn football hehe. I've got kind of a hectic week. Oh yeah, I saw you walk by the wall today! Stop by next time :-p
" guess the whole party party puke scene is just really played out for me right now. realistically, i probably wouldnt be feeling this way if i was messed up with the rest of them. i think my attitude in this entry stems from my hatred of being the only sober one. eh."
Comments 10
Talk to you soon!
welcome to my world.
hope all is well. i miss you party princess 2004.
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