I feel like my own island, anchored to the laptop as I look out on the landscape of legos, playmobile, plastic figures, the airplane and the dollhouse. Finn has so many toys! I'm not in the mood to pick them up tonight, so there they stay.
I checked his hair tonight. I left my nose against it while he slept and waited... but the smell of baby is completely gone. :( I smelled sweat, Finn's brand of human and shampoo, but no sign of the baby. Sometimes it's hard to let go.
Today I went to the art museum with Kelly and it was SO fun both the conversation and the museum. I really enjoyed this exhibit:
http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/exhibit/exhibitDetail.asp?eventID=15647 and this one:
http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/exhibit/exhibitDetail.asp?eventID=13786 I've started my class online in Intro to Psych and it feels exciting- a new beginning. I've also started a new book: The house at Sugar Beach which seems really promising- a real life story of a girl who is descended from a family returned to Africa after slavery was abolished and forced to live in Liberia.
Finn is doing exceptionally well. He talks frequently of our upcoming flight to Florida. He talks about how big the plane will be, how we will go to the tarmac and how it will take us to the beach with the other people who are going to the beach. I told him Nana and Poppy would be there today and he told me we should hurry! He's also really fixated on his Jump Planet experience. He's dying to go back. At home he's into role playing, pretend playing and building. It's legos, figure or some combination there of playing out some dramatic event. Last week his BFF came over and they played "Bolt" and "Penny" at what I'm sure was Finn's cajoling.
I have a medication program that is going really well, but I don't want to jinx it by gloating. Isn't that silly? I don't even believe in jinxing. The downside is that it has horrible sexual side effects that don't seem to be going away. I'm not sure what we will do about that, but if you want to know more about it just ask me. I'm not that phobic... I think. ;)
Grandpa was nice enough to outfit Finn for Spring, so he has some stellar outfits to sport in Florida. He's already been wearing his hat around "just like daddy". Everything he does these days revolves around Eric or has to be "like" Eric. It's cute. He is soooo into daddy right now, to the point of telling me to go away in some rather rude ways that we've had to discuss with him. He's improving and I'm working on leaving them alone. Strange concept. I find myself with this thing called "free time". Does anyone know what I do with that? ;) For once the house does not look like WW3 and I've started a new drawing. I've had more time to see friends... and everything is going well, but... it's hard not to look at my little man trying SO HARD to be independent and then crying for mommy when he falls down and now just want to hold him there a minute longer. It feels like he flew away so fast, but I know if I'm patient and careful, he will be back and wanting me. I mean he wants me now, but I've got nothing on DADDDDYYYyyyyy!