Night-time at 4pm

Nov 28, 2007 16:40

Kind of strange for it to be pitch black outside already. Not used to winter in the UK, I guess.

What've I been up to... mostly reading, attending LARPS and Sci-Fi regularly (when not suffering from Fresher's Flu and Fresher's Flu II: Return of Fresher's Flu), being generally social. Went to Ceilidh last Sunday, which was fantastic - the Folk Society's band is amazing and dancing is both fun and exercise. Shame they only do it once a term.

I've been bitten by the bug making me want to play RPGs and, oddly, 40k - I discovered that the latest Blood Angels codex is actually available online, so I grabbed it and have been putting about with army lists based on what I can remember is in my army. The rules are far more streamlined in this version, no more randomness, meaning that a) the Death Company is no longer an unknown number of models and b) heavy weapons are viable, since there's no more of that 1-in-6 chance of having to move d3" forward. They still have over-charged engines for the Rhinos, at least. Am a bit annoyed that the Emperor's Champion has become a strictly Black Templars / Codex chapter thing, as I really like my conversion, but I suppose I could use him as a Company Captain quite easily.

Interestingly, perhaps as a result of being compacted into two White Dwarf articles, they've standardised squad sizes considerably. Now, most squads are 5 models, with a single option to upgrade to 10 models. They all have veteran sergeants. Terminator squads are a max of 5 models. Scout squads are Elite, but no longer restricted in terms of weaponry as before; Assault Squads are Troops choices. Veteran Assault squads are the only flexible squads now, aside from bike/land speeder squadrons; Honour Guard no longer take up a HQ slot, but instead you get to take one per Independent Character in the force.
The Death Company now gets one model per squad you take, and the squad costs reflect this; you can add models to the Death Company by paying for them, to a max of 10 models. They still require a Chaplain or Brother Corbulo to lead them, else they make a beeline for the nearest enemy; while they no longer can have power weapons (as they could before, if a vet. sergeant became one), they now all have Rending. Could be interesting.

This Sunday is the LARPS in-character banquet, and I'm still not sure what to go as. Last suggestion I got was to go as a plainsman who stole a nobleman's clothes: woad + flouncy clothing, the best of both worlds?
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