(no subject)

Aug 07, 2010 16:26


I just want to draw attention to how productive I've been this week:

Clean my room

Clean my study

Wash and iron clothes I want to take

Figure out how to get my bank account to work

Get bank account to work

Get a hair cut

Take, print, cut and stick photo for International Student Identity Card

Work out rest of itinerary with Dad

Find hotels in:

Receive email about Residency Permit

Receive email to collect Visa

Collect Visa

Meet with Caitlin (just returned from exchange in Milan)

Tax return

Print out information of hotel bookings already completed

Buy things
-Hair brush
-Lonely Planet Guide
-Pocket Italian dictionary
-Battery charger

Cash cheques

Go for a walk when it's sunny and photograph things

Finish reading Deathly Hallows

Photograph important possessions for insurance purposes

Photocopy Passport, Visa, insurance documents, flight itinerary and letters


All that and two evenings of Panto and hanging out with Pantees. Yay! On Tuesday night we went to Fast Eddy's and Bradley and I had breakfast food at 11pm or so. Yaay. Eggs.


Kira and I went shopping and lunching today and also I got my hair cut. I suppose I should show you:

(Dad took this)

I expected to pwn the obligatory hair-cut small talk today, given the talking-with-strangers suitability of my current situation, but my hair dresser didn't want to say anything beyond "Has this been straightened?" and "Your hair is very naturally straight". It was pretty loud in the salon, so fair enough. But yay/boo.

I hate our printer.

Tonight I'm going to Lana's going away/birthday party. Tomorrow I will be packing. I should really start that now. Haaaargh.

*That's supposed to sound like Grampa Joe from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, just after he gets out of bed.

Here is an interesting thing I read that I tried to link obvacado to, but she's not part of the community it was in so copypasta hooray:

The series involves many songs, poems, and rhymes, some of which proved difficult to translators. One rhyme, a riddle told by a sphinx in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, posed a particular problem, as the riddle involves taking words from a poem and using them to form a longer word, "spider," in answer to the riddle. In the Taiwanese translation, the English words are simply put in parentheses. In other translations, the riddle is changed to provide different words that can be put together to make up the translated version of "spider."

Some acronyms also proved difficult; the abbreviations O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) and N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) needed to be translated to reflect the fact that their abbreviations spelled out the names of animals associated with the wizarding world, which did not always work in other languages. N.E.W.T.s was translated into Swedish as F.U.T.T. (Fruktansvärt Utmattande Trollkarls-Test, Terribly Tired Troll-man's Test). Futt means measly in Swedish. Another issue was the translation of "The Mirror of Erised." In German, it is called Der Spiegel Nerhegeb; "Erised" and "Nerhegeb" created by reading English desire and German Begehren backwards.

Areas in which anagrams are present do not make the transition easily into other languages. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the name "Tom Marvolo Riddle" is rearranged to spell "I am Lord Voldemort". This has required translators to alter Riddle's name to make the anagram work. Sometimes translators manage to alter only one part of the name: Tom Riddle's middle name of Marvolo was changed to "Vandrolo" in the Hebrew edition, to "Marvoldo" in Turkish, to "Vorlost" in German, to "Narvolo" in Russian, to "Sorvolo" in Spanish, to "Marvoloso" in Slovak, and to "Orvoloson" in Italian. In other languages, translators replaced the name entirely to preserve the anagram. In French, Riddle's full name becomes "Tom Elvis Jedusor" (i.e. phonetically "game of fate") which forms an anagram for "Je suis Voldemort"("I am Voldemort"). In Norwegian, his name is Tom Dredolo Venster, an anagram of "Voldemort den store", which means "Voldemort the Great". In Icelandic, his name is Trevor Delgome which becomes "(Ég)Eg er Voldemort", "I am Voldemort", but his middle name is not used for the anagram and stays as Marvolo. In Finnish his name is "Tom Lomen Valedro", anagram is "Ma(ä) olen Voldemort", "I am Voldemort". In Dutch, his name is "Marten Asmodom Vilijn", an anagram of "Mijn naam is Voldemort", or "My name is Voldemort". In Swedish, his name is "Tom Gus Mervolo Dolder", an anagram of "Ego sum Lord Voldemort", where "ego sum" is Latin, not Swedish, for "I am". In Hungarian, his name is "Tom Rowle Denem", which is an anagram of "Nevem Voldemort"; the "w" in the name becomes two "v"s (this caused a name collision with the character Thorfinn Rowle, who first appears in the seventh book and is not related to Voldemort; thus in the Hungarian translation his family name was altered to Rovel). The Arabic version avoids the issue entirely by having Riddle directly write out, "I am Lord Voldemort" (أنا لورد فولدمورت). These changes to the name created problems in later books; in the English edition, a line of dialogue mentions that Tom Riddle shares his given name with the bartender of the Leaky Cauldron, and this becomes a plot point, but this is not the case in all translations. In the Latin version his name is Tom Musvox Ruddle, as an anagram of "Sum Dux Voldemort" = "I am the leader Voldemort".
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