Being the ambitious person that I suddenly am, I'm going to attempt an every day LJ streak, much like my friend
musical_junkie has, except probably I won't last that long at all. XD But I'm gonna try!
A lot of the time, I don't post because I don't feel like I have anything noteworthy to say.
Like today.
Oh, but I am going to dinner tonight with my dad's cousin Barbara. I haven't seen her or her son Eric in a long time, so it will be nice! I used to go swimming a lot with her daughter Melanie. I even drove her boat on Lake Eerie when I was about nine. Supervised, of course. She has anxiety like I do, not that I think that will come up. It's nice to know people with it, that I could talk to if I needed to. My mom has it, but she is kind of in denial. :/ So I mostly talk to my sister about it. And we know how my sister and I get along...
Even though I'm hoping to maybe work with her. Heh.