Apr 09, 2011 00:04

1) I love the burgundy blazer that all Holocaust Museum volunteers have to wear. It's just the right balance of awkward and unflattering. I love it. I want to get married in it.

2) That was written in sarcastica.

3) That being said, I had a very enjoyable time at the museum this week. I can't even really explain it. I guess it was mostly just a relief to be there. I got up at 9 AM so I could walk Lucy before going there, and I had been worried about how that would work out*. It actually turned out well. I felt more awake at the museum, and more ready to get things done. Doing the elevator shift most of the day was not a problem. I got to go through the exhibit, too, so then I felt extra knowledgeable when giving the little speech about rules, because I'd just seen exactly what the visitors would be seeing. Long story short: I felt like a good volunteer this week. *pats self on back*

4) I hope the government does not shut down. :/ Among other sucky things, the museum would be closed on Thursday, if they stretched it out long enough. And next Thursday is Adrien Brody's birthday, so nerdy me was excited to celebrate by going to the museum and then watching The Pianist.** That's right. I celebrate celebrities' birthdays. Don't act like you've never cared about a famous person's birthday.

5) I was originally planning to maybe change the layout of my website/blog thing, trying to decide what sort of entries I'd put on it and how I could make it more fun. But I've decided that I just won't renew the dot com. It's not worth spending money on it, since I never update it and no one really reads it. This is the blog I use. Well, this and my tumblr, but that doesn't really count. I only quote songs and reblog gifs on there. XD Let's be realistic. This is where I talk about my life.

6) And plus, I like icons.

7) I finally started watching Arrested Development last night. I've seen three episodes so far. And I think I love it. Especially Buster. Poor Buster. He needs a hug. And Baby!Cera. Oh my god.

8) It's disturbing that the mom is the mom on Archer, though. That actress has a lot of issues with her fake children.

9) This week, I wrote my Twin a letter, saw a fox & a skunk, gave my cousin some life advice (he actually asked for it), and applied for a great job that my parents' friend might be able to help me with. I might actually have a job, guys. I hope. Cross your fingers?

10) I really feel like this is the year.

* It actually did turn kind of wtf-y, though, because apparently, the lock on her crate broke in the time between me being there and her owners coming home. ? But otherwise.

** I've since realized that the NBC shows are new next week, so... Pianist Pre-Birthday Party on Wednesday! godIneedalife

government fuckery, adrien brody, job possibly?, websites, arrested development, holocaust museum, twin!tara, sarcastica

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