Back in Parks for the week (which is nearly over, actually). Been reading quite a bit of Doreen Virtue stuff. Been really opening my heart and detoxing from past effects. Yesterday was Holly and Jaton's wedding reception. It was fun. The best part was being with my man. The Halfords and Andersons are very nice people. I enjoy them. We are meeting with KayJay and Swayzee on Wednesday regarding WildHorse and Halfway House. Fingers Crossed! I picked up Rowan (previously known as Nacho) earlier in the week. He and Sam and Moyntain have been frolicking around the very green pasture here at Merry's house. Her place sold the day before I got here. So Congratulations to her on the big move in life. It's thunderstormy outside. I am going to work out for about thirty minutes and then probably go in the jacuzzi again and then watch the movie The Help. I watched the Reese Witherspoon movie "Just Like Heaven" earlier today. It's been a pretty chill day. I got more accomplished on our Bar JM website, so that's good. Joel is going to be producing quite a bit more leather work this next week so I will take photos and have more to show for his talent. I plan to get the website finished by the end of the month. I haven't ridden all week. The horses and I are apparently all on vacation here. Tomorrow I plan to do roundpen work with them. Especially with Rowan and Sam. I want to get Rowans feet trimmed up a little more, which I'm imagining will take quite a bit of round pen excersize before he decides it would be best if he stood like an angel for the process. He's cute. I think the dogs here will be glad to have Merry back. We get along fine, it's just that she doesn't seem to have set much of any personal space boundaries with them and so they get hurt/confused when I don't want them jumping on me, sleeping under me, and trying to lick my face when I'm doing things. I may be going over to Kristen and Nicks tomorrow (weather permitting) to ride Drifter in exchange for some grain I picked up from her earlier in the week. So, Tuesday I head back south. Wednesday is our meeting in town. Thursday I drop Sam off at Carla's and meet up with Janet for a litle, have an early lunch with Charlotte and then get my nails done. Then we leave in the afternoon for California. We're in San Diego Fri and Saturday for Georgina and Jeremy's wedding and then we head back Sunday morning. I'll pick Sam up on Monday and plan to ride him at Carla's before he comes home. Then it seems we'll have a normal week of being at the Mule Shoe... Oh, wait, Gary wants Joel to help him for like three days that week. So however that will work out, I will at least be planning to ride and jump and train Sam, Moyntain and Rowan and go from there. Then that Sunday is Austin and Katies wedding. Then the following weekend we are planning to go to Sonoita to drop off Squirt and possibly Moyntain and to celebrate Jackies 50th Birthday at a resort in Tucson. (I love resorts and cocktails by the pool. Mmm..) Then we come back and if all goes well on Wednesday we'll have a week before we move to our new (and more longterm) home. Thanks Angels and Divine Gorgeousness for all your support, guidance, warm loving yummyness. I really appreciate your help in navigating my dreams and life. Much Love, R