(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 08:37

Toffee nut latte and steel cut Irish oatmeal. mmmmmm

I finally cracked open my container of McCann's Irish Oatmeal yesterday morning. I made cinnamon rolls for Jim bit they didn't appeal to me at all. So I decided it was time to try the oatmeal. I spent a bundle on the container about 4 months ago. I'd better not let it go to waste!

*mumblereadingdirectionsmumble* An hour? Glad I'm not starving. *mumblereadingdirectionsmumble* Only a cup of oats for four cups of boiling water? ...OK.

Dear Lord in Heaven, that made a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of oatmeal. Even pre-surgery it would have been a huge amount of oatmeal. So I ate some, gave some to Ade and then put the rest in the fridge.

I'll be having oatmeal for days! Yeesh.

I'm taking Wednesday off. I'm so very very tired, worn out and worn down.

This past weekend I should have tried to rest but I had too much to do. Namely, Chris and Jenn wanted my things out of their basement because her dad is ready to install the plumbing and the "bathroom" is where my things were being stored. China cabinet, dining room set, two dressers, a desk, two bookcases and a bunch of boxes I COMPLETELY forgot they had that contains some very important things to me. Mostly 20 years worth of journals.

I told them that I had no need nor desire to keep the desk and two dressers and I was going to put them on Craigslist or give them to Patt's mom's store. Chris turned a little red and I said "OK, 'fess up."

Come to find out, they've been using the two dressers and the desk for a couple years now and was hoping I wouldn't notice they weren't with the rest of the furniture. HAHAHAHAHHAAH!

I also left the the bookcases.

So all that's in the garage are the china cabinet and dining room set and a couple boxes of things. Yay. I need to stop by the store and grab some Murphy's soap on my way home. I will not allow any of those pieces in the house until they're scrubbed clean. Euw.

Chris finally met his dognephew. And fell in love. I didn't think I'd get him away from Chris.

I made a banana cake yesterday. I had 4 bananas that were going to be for bread but I was too lazy to make two loaves of anything. So I made a cake instead. It's pretty good. I sent half home with Chris and Jenn.

*looks around*

That is all.
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