(no subject)

Mar 21, 2009 16:50

I am so very tired.

I woke up last night around 1:30 with severe stomach cramps. No clue what brought them on.

But even a triple dose of meds wasn't calming it down.

I was up until 6:45, rolled up tight in a ball, whimpering.

I got up around 9 and everything seemed fine. So I fixed breakfast for Jim then swept, mopped, vacuumed and shampooed the front room carpet.

I crashed around noon, got back up 45 minutes later and headed out to grocery shop.

I could go to bed right now and sleep until morning. I'm so tired I'm hearing a low hum. That hasn't happened since my "wild years".

Happy Birthday to spongelynn!!! I hope it's a great day for you. I'll use my Simon icon. :)

I should try and do some laundry. Anything to keep me awake for at least 4 more hours. Then at least I'll be in bed by a "decent" time.

Oh, I also went to Macy's while I was out. I ended up getting this:
http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=279500&CategoryID=16337 for $10 after my coupons. So that was nice.
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