I just typed all my adventures from the past few days up and it ended up taking up a lot more space than you all probably want on your friends page, so I'll try this cut thing...it's never worked for me before, but maybe this time it will love me.
I basically wrote it for myself, for memory's sake...so if you want to read it, go ahead, but it's a lot of inside-joke...had-to-be-there kind of stuff that you will probably just find utterly stupid, but oh well. This is more for me than it is for you...but feel free to read if you wish!
My weekend/part of week started with Friday, which has traveled around the school so I'm sure everyone knows everything anyways. And if not, oh well...it was nothin. First time I had boys stay the night tho...that was kinda exciting. Mom made them sleep in different rooms...and outside (only that was their choice...dumbasses). So we only got 3 hours of sleep that night.
Sleep Count 4/15: 3 hours.
So Saturday morning...get woken up around 7...boys leave around 9:30...girls leave shortly after. We travel to Warrensburg to get my hair done for PrOm. It turned out lookin alright I thought. So I get ready...sleep as much as possible with my hair up (only ended up bein about 30 minutes) and head to the school for "Grand March". That sucked...my shoulder hurt (it gets painful after holdin a video camera on it for a good 30 minutes). Then me, Brad H, Brad A, and Steph pile into Brad's Jeep thing to head to CMSU.
Prom was very nicely decorated... Go Juniors! It really looked awesome. I had a pretty good time...sucked bein a server, but oh well. I got in for free and only had to do it for a little over 2 hours. I was basically ignored by the guy I was "intimate" with on Friday...kinda through me off a little...but other than that, it was alright. Stayed the night at Steph's...fell asleep around 1:30ish. Woke up Sunday morning aorund 9:30? Can't remember really.
Sleep Count 4/16: approx. 8 hours 30 min. (had to add that nap in there)
Sunday...woke up, left for state around 1:00. Got to Columbia around 2:30. Got settled in...yeah...don't really remember much from that day. I remember going to the mall with Jeremy and Sarah! Bought a shirt...yes...no one cares...uhhhh. OOhh. Heh...Golden Corral. Carly pissed herself and we all acted like morons because of our sleep deprivation. That was good stuff. Met a cool waitor...Steve? Scott? Which one was he? I think it was Steve. Yep, puttin money on Steve. We stop at Wal-Mart because me and Carly are WINNERS and left the toothbrushes in Knob (yay). We bought some hair dye (to continue the FBLA state tradition of course) and did our hair till 2 in the morning (I think...not quite sure. That's my guess) while watching "Spanglish"...'Somebody owes me $12.88 for a movie'...silence + muffled laughs from Shea 'SOMEBODY owes me TWELVE EIGHTY-EIGHT for a MOVIE' haha...we bout gave that man an ulcer. Anyways...woke up Monday around...6:45? Sure.
Sleep Count 4/17: approx. 5 hours.
Monday...this was when we actually started doing stuff. Looong Day. Long Long Long Day. Felt like crap...wanted to puke/pass out. My head felt like it was 38 pounds...but Lindsay saved the day with some drugs and I was fine afterwards. We listened to some speeches (I'm marrying Ben Main...he's my hero) and we all (minus Shea) left for the mall. Bought our matching underwear (another FBLA tradition)...cept Jeremy. Man, purple...all you...all the way! Shoulda done it!! We got back, I took my test at 1:30...and we went back to the room to get as much sleep as possible before that night.
Heh...this is where the real fun started. I get woken up by Shea "Hey! We're supposed to be at the restaraunt with the group right now! Hurry up and get all your business stuff on and bring some clothes for the dance blah blah hurry hurry get up, Chambers is pissed!!". Hah...gooood stuff. So we get ready in about 5 minutes...lookin like crap since we'd all been sleepin for the past 2 hours...and head to the restaraunt. I was so dead...don't remember a thing from dinner. Just Shea gettin excited about the neice that only weighs 14 lbs. Crazy nutball. We go to the Opening Session and listen to a bunch of boring executive FBLA officers give speeches. Then...the speaker came up. She was flippin awesome. So funny...very amusing. Guys...read....it makes you happy.
"I am soommeebbooddyy special! If you don't like me, TOUGH! Cuz I am coool enough...smooth enough ((gotta do the hand motion)), and doggone it, I am HOT enough to be who I want to be!!"
Oh man...she was great. "LIFE IS GREAT!" Then what was it...Oh dang i don't remember. She was nuts. Love..peace...recycle?? Idk?
So anyways...we leave there...return to the hotel...get ready for the dance. We were 30 minutes late to this...Score. We weren't on time to one thing. But anyways, the dance. Okay...take our dances, turn that inside out, and you've got this dance. You are ass-to-ass with everyone in the room *unless you go to the back...then you're just bored* and random people that you've never seen (and never see again) come up to you and grab your ass and start dancin on you. People could very easily have sex right there on the ground and no one would say a thing about it. There was crowd surfing...everything. So fun. Poor Carly...Mr. Red Shirt reaaaaallly liked her I think. Funny stuff. So we go back to the hotel, completely starving, and decide we need pizza. Chambers=Nazi so we got to pay for it. But oh well, I wouldn't pay for us either...we gave him so much shit. But yeah, we needed that pizza...and it was about 1 AM, so we figured no one would be open and deliver, but we called the front desk to check anyways. Well, Lindsay calls to get a wakeup call and a pizza number...but gets distracted and starts HITTING on the door/bell/desk boy: "How old are you?? Are you HOT??? Will YOU be our wake up call?!?" Completely forgets to get the pizza number so I call back. (*Carly's satan laugh* "What is THAT?!" haha...good times). He gives me the number...and yeah. We order our pizza...wait till flippin TWO THIRTY in the morning...forced to give a tip "Uhh...how much money do you want back??"--queer. He was hairy--...pig out...then pass out around 3.
Sleep Count 4/18: 6 hours (added the nap in there).
**Total Sleep Count for those 4 nights: 22 hours...Usually I'd have about twice that. Score!**
Tuesday morning...don't get that wake up call. Door/bell/desk boy musta been DISTRACTED and forgot to get us up. We wake up 10 minutes before we're supposed to be packed and ready to go, so another morning of complete chaos. Chambers gets pissed because we were 51..yes...fifty ONE minutes late getting out of there, but oh well...we were still there before 99% of everyone else was. We sat down for the awards...and the boredom began. Carly placed 5th...but other than that, it was a snoozer. Sarah's dance man was a winner though. 2ND Mr. Future Business Leader!! Go you...mine were losers. So we head home...and so concludes the FBLA trip that will forever make me pee myself when I am reminded of all the funky shit that went on. And it does not feel good to be back....