Very sick...

Jan 29, 2006 22:28

I am very sick- so much so that I am getting a bit concerned. Woke up Friday morning with a headache. Have been having tummy upsets all week and digestive issues, but thought it might be from the end of the liver cleanse and the switch to milk thistle tablets. Saturday morning I woke up with badly aching back, legs, neck and so on, and generally feeling pretty crummy. The headache was down to a dull roar, so I counted my blessings and figured the worst was behind me. By mid-afternoon is was on the couch, crampy and very sleepy. Then Saturday night/Sunday early morning the really bad stuff began. I was drowsy all day but woke up in the middle of the night with really sharp shooting pains in my stomach. My first thought was that my liver & gall bladder were acting up, then I figured due to the where the pain was, it was probably just my gall bladder. Then I decided it might just be intestinal- I wasn't having my "typical" gall bladder pain. These cramps kept me up most of the night, and kept me running back & forth to the bathroom. This morning I took some panadol tablets and that eased the pain- all the bone & joint pain, all the cramps and the headache. Now it is all back with a vengance and I am starting to run a fever. I am getting a bit nauseous too. If the pain gets really bad again I may take a cab over to the base hosptial- it's about all I can do on a weekend this late, and if it is my gall bladder then my internist is just across the street & on call with the hosptial.

I did want to say that in spite of feeling very sick & awful I have still done all my exercises. Aren't I a good girl? I am down almost two sizes and my arms are really toning up nicely. I am getting definition in my waist again and although I still have trouble seeing my feet, it is once again my boobs blocking the view and not my tummy. I suppose I should be thankful for whatever is going on with my insides right now- I know I've likely lost a kilo or two over the weekend. See, there is always a silver lining... although I think I'd better be a bit more concerned about my stomach lining right now. :-)

One small complaint- the church across the street has very loud bells. They woke me up out of my fitful nap Saturday afternoon (wedding) and this morning (usual bell-ringing Sunday antics.) Between the bells and the big giant neon blue electric cross!!!! on the roof, they are definitely "out there" in the public eye. Probably not Protestants, are they? ;-) But then again, they aren't Catholic either- and I don't think the Anglicans or Wesleyans are so "in your face". Must be some other sect that I don't know of, maybe brothers in spirit to that weird Pentecostal Charismatic Church that has their outfit in the North Mountian Preserve- you know, the ones with the red skylight and the buring flesh picture. The snake handlers. ;-) (Why do these folks call themselves "Charismatic"? I find them to be anything but... but I digress.)

Had a job interview for a rather large position with a construction company on Thursday past; would be doing the same sort of stuff I did for DCS but for far better wages and less hours. Tomorrow I have an interview as an accountant/payroll person for a very large yacht & luxury boat building company. Still haven't heard back from the jewellery store about the assistant manager job, but I am not yet giving up hope. I will likely be offered a part-time position at a local clothing store- one that I love to shop at- so that will come in handy. I am also up for a position helping organise a local fashion show- it won't pay much (if anything), but I am the only person in town with "big city" experience at organising & running such events. Besides, if I do that, I can also offer my services freelance for other fashion companies & retail stores in the area for in-store shows and/or large focused events- it may be that I'll find my way back into fashion again despite lving in a tiny country town. :-)

Gonna run now, my back is really aching and I need to try to sleep.

Hugs & love to all!

update, possible gall bladder illness, job search

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