shipperchick and
jferthesquirrel are already on their way to Little Rock and I'll be leaving shortly. Mini!Partay Weekend with
queenofperv to shower her in baby gifts. Baby!TigerFetus finally gave us a peek at a gender and their pretty sure its a girl but no guarantees till it pops its head into the world in a little less than 2 months.
My suitcase is packed with 2 space bags of baby clothing which left just enough room for me to put in a change or two of clothing for me :) If I was taking The Big Suitcase I wouldn't have had to put the baby items into space bags but since I refuse to check luggage for a 2 day trip I had to squish. All is good though, I'm done packing and waiting for my mom to arrive as she's staying here with the cats while I'm gone.
In more exciting news - it seems the second X-Files Movie has gone from rumor to fact - shooting is to start next month and they've apparently picked a 2008 release date. All I have to say is that there better be some M/S schmoop or someone ::coughs::ChrisCarter::coughs:: may get hurt.