May 31, 2002 11:43
I'll bet you wouldn't believe this retardedness!
The minute I start typing last night, this girl Lisa comes in to ask to see if this guy is online. He is and she asks if she could talk to him. HOW RUDE. "No, Lisa, I wasn't doing anything. Go right ahead." What a bum-face!
Anyway. I was happy yesterday. I just reallized it was probably because of mister cutie Wednesday night- James, in case you're wondering.
Yesterday, I was smiling and making goofy jokes, and I was confident in myself. It was just who I want to be. I've been having more and more days like that. YES!! woo hoo.
Okay, back to James.
I was watching Sean juggle macheties (how do you spell that?? anyone know??), and the 3 tehachapi's drove up. They sat down in the class room first. And they stinkin arranged themselves so James is in the middle! So, I sat across the room on the side waiting for someone else interesting to come in so I could sit by them. After 10 or so minutes, cutie says to me, "What are you doing way over there?"
Jamese's sister tells the 2 guys to move over so "she" could sit next to me. Gotta love her. At first, I was just being her friend to get to James, but she is soooo gosh dang fun! Her and I were just having a grand ol' time during the movie they showed in class. Hope we didn't disturb anyone. I don't think so, cause people in the back row were playing with me too. (We were in the back back row.)
I stole James' watch. He forgot about it and was heading for the car when I say, "Do you want to wear MY watch? It's really pretty!" He let me put his watch back on him. Oh my gosh- we touched hands!!! ;)
All during class, I was flirting and junk and he was laughing and doing his little flirty look back.
Also, on the way to the car, Missy goes, "Come home with us! I'll take you home on the way to class tomorrow." I said, "Whoa..." hold on! I told her it had to be planned out. My excuse was lack of a tooth brush. My real reasons were my responsibilities at home.
I know James would have ended up taking me home instead of her :) :) :). hehe
I love it!- he thinks i'm funny