May 28, 2002 15:04
Elvis's name is actually Byron or Byrom (cars on the track were making too much noise to hear well). All during the last race on the 25th, we kept taking turns coming over to talk to eachother. Although, this is confusing- he kept trying to get out of our conversation early, but it's not like he didn't want to talk to me. It's almost like he didn't have anything else to say and got nervous.
Something cool.
At my race, Mark and Kevin came- both deaf. We signed a whole bunch during the autograph session, at which time I was also able to talk to James and Sean. During the races, I was still able to talk to Mark and Kevin because we could sign!!! It was so fun! Actually, Elvis was standing in front of me on pit road while I started signing to mark and kevin, and I signed "fine" and Elvis thought I was doing the "okay" hand guesture at him, so he did it back. It was so funny- I tried to play it off like I was looking at him, but I'm not sure it worked.
Doug came over yesterday for our memorial shin-dig. Another confusing relationship. I'm not sure WHAT'S going on in that cute little head of his. When we all were playing cards last night, he had gotten tired and very crazy; he was cracking us all up so much!
He played volleyball and swam with me and my family and friends.
I still have low-self esteem around him which is always a dumb occurance, but I can't convince my brain to override my insticts. I'm sure it will come with time.
Before the shin-dig, a bunch of us went tubing down the river. 'Bout 15 peops from Visalia were there. During the calmer parts of the river, I asked names and got to know everyone. It was so brain relaxing. I love nature. It was great. Anyway, the tree we climb via 2x4's was about 10 feet HIGHER than I remembered and started thinking out loud, "I'm SUCH a moron! Who in their right mind would jump off that thing???" I jumped off it again :P.
Lately, it's been a big battle between what is traditional and what is truth. I've had all these notions about life that made me all warm and fuzzy inside, but it seems life is coming out much harder and more dull and not because I didn't do something but because that's how things are.
I wish someone could help, but I'm thinking God is the only person and I'm at a time when I don't feel so in tune with him.