"The Last Airbender" does not open in the United Kingdom until next Friday, August 13th. This is an opportunity for us--especially folks who live in the UK-- to ensure that UK film critics are aware of the way "The Last Airbender" discriminated against actors of color!
Movie critics may not be aware of the cultural background of the characters in the animated series. The A:TLA animated series is called "The Legend of Aang" in the UK so they may not even know that "The Last Airbender" is connected to the animated series. They also may not be aware that their readers are upset seeing actors of color restricted to background and villainous roles.
This is your chance to encourage UK film critics who will review the film to recognize that in the animated series, the characters were people of color, and that actors of color are continually discriminated against in Hollywood!
So, for folks who have already sent out emails to the American critics, please take a moment to dust them off and tailor them to an UK audience and fire them off! For people who have yet to try emailing a film critic, try
our nifty "draft an email in four sentences" formula! The letter should encourage the journalist to explore the issues surrounding the film. Most journalists and critics want to be balanced and inclusive of different viewpoints and sources in their reviews. Be friendly and share your opinion in a clear and helpful manner. You can link to these
articles designed to help the press understand the casting controversy in your email.
xlovelylightx compiled a list of UK newspapers so you can figure out who you'd like to write to. If you can’t find the right person to contact or you have to submit through a generic form, you can always write a general letter to the editor or “ATTN: Entertainment Editor”
List of UK newspapers:
http://www.thebigproject.co.uk/news/ ENGLAND
The Sun:
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/article296174.ece The Times:
http://www.timesplus.co.uk/welcome/tp_contact.htm News of the World: newsdesk@notw.co.uk
Conventry telegraph:
http://iccoventry.icnetwork.co.uk/nuneaton-tribune/about-us/ Yorkshire evening post:
http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/contactus.aspx IRELAND
The Belfast Telegraph:
http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/service/contact-us-13907191.html Irish Times:
http://www.irishtimes.com/about/contact/ Irish Independent: independent.letters@independent.ie
http://www.independent.ie/service/contact-us-24070.html Sunday Tribune:
http://www.tribune.ie/contactus/ SCOTLAND
Scotland Today: yourview@stv.tv
http://www.stv.tv/contact/ Scotland on Sunday:
http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/contactus.aspx WALES
Western Telegraph:
http://www.westerntelegraph.co.uk/contactus/ Thanks again for your support, good luck, and let us know how it goes!
We know that film critics read these emails, as evidenced by
the number of critics aware of the casting controversy around the film's USA/Canada release. We also know that there is interest in this topic in the UK, as we've been covered by
BBC and the
Daily Telegraph! A short email with a few sentences can make all the difference!