Hello all! I hope you are having a wonderful start to a new year! I wish you all best of luck and for good health and safety for all of you. :)
Here is your reminder to please vote for the following if you haven't already:
aya_rock -
application here (2 votes)
crsg -
application here (2 votes)
believing -
application here (3 votes)
doxinator -
application here (2 votes)
If you've been stamped recently, please
check the stamped members list and let me know if you've been left out! It's been the holidays recently, so things have been a little hectic. I might've made an error somewhere, so if you let me know, I can fix it ASAP.
Also, just a bit of a shameless affiliate plug - I've started a new rating community for Miwa Shirow's DOGS~!
dogs-rating - Please join and apply if you like the series! :)