Name: Kerry
Age: 19
Favorite Quote? Why does it have significance to you? A favorite? Hmn... "This above all-to thine own self be true." - Hamlet [Shakespeare] I believe this to be very true, you cannot tell lies to yourself, it hurts you and others around you.
Likes: Any color but pink, sushi, Tenimyu, Halo, fantasy books, lightning
Dislikes: My job, extreme temperatures, people who think they're better than everyone else, stubborn people who don't get that they're wrong.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why? I like reading and role-playing with my friends. It's an escape to another world.
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? Why? I do not have a model for my life, I simply haven't chosen one.
Your best quality? Why? My loyalty, I hardly ever betray those who are my friends, if at all.
Your worst? Why? I'm a procrastinator, I put things off to the last minute.
The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? Why? All of the diseases or world hunger. No one should be sick or hungry.
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? Why? Probably my eyes, I love my glasses but I've gotten sick of them.
Do you believe in people? Yes, to a point.
In yourself? Hardly ever do, I have low self-esteem.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Probably Hawatari Yuiko... I've never been a ditz before.
Anything else? Nope, just thanks for taking the time to read this and vote for me.