LaviYu Summer: What About This Year?

Jan 25, 2010 23:08

Hello there LJ! I'm posting stuff from the official planning thread on D.Gray-Divinity. I hope to hear from you guys soon, so we can start planning this decently! <3

~ LaviYu Fest 2010~

Greetings LaviYu/YuLavi fans! Even though it's still deep winter and the celebration isn't up until summer, it's never too early for planning, not to mention that once again we need to decide on some things before starting the actual preparation. Last year's installment was quite a success thanks to all of you people, and I hope you will take part in the LaviYu Fest this year again!

Also, there are some great news for those of you who prefer to write themed drabbles or draw themed pictures; this year we are going to have a 100 themes list, which is being compiled by Mell right now and should be ready by March/April. You will be free to choose whether you want to draw/write a work for a theme, or something completely different and unrelated to the list (or both, haha).

Now then, let's move to the matter at hand, for which I once again will ask for your voices and opinions.

Point is, there are two ways we can run the festival this year. Please read the paragraphs below, taking in the options, as well as the listed advantages and disadvantages per each.

Option 1: LaviYu Day with Extra

Basically, this would be what we did last year: mainly everything circuits around the LaviYu day, July 8th. We would also post stuff on Lavi and Kanda's birthdays, namely June 6th and August 10th, sort of like an 'opening' and 'closing'. So generally, this would be an outstretched three day celebration - cool enough, isn't it. All we really need to do for this is for people who are willing to participate to post, so we'd get the approximate idea of how many of us are willing to participate this year.

Basic outline:
June 6th: Kanda's Birthday + Opening. Basically we'd just post a few works that relate both to the birthday and to LaviYu.
July 8th: LaviYu Day. Posting all the stuff you can think of.
August 10th: Lavi's Birthday + closing. Basically we'd just post a few works that relate both to the birthday and to LaviYu.

* doesn't require much planning;
* bigger concentration of works posted;
* already well advertised therefore known in various sites (that I don't have access to), what leads to hoping for more submissions on time from people who aren't members of D.Gray-Divinity or LiveJournal community;
* isn't strict about participation, if you see you won't be able to make it, it's okay;
* we already know how to do it.

* doesn't really convey the 'festival' name.

Option 2: LaviYu Festival, Full Out

Now, this is sort of more what we have originally intended to do. For this, we might even need to open a separate LJ comm/account to make all the planning more efficient. Also, I'd like to point out that around May and beginning of June I won't be online much, as I have very important exams this year, so coordination-of-the-moment will be done by other members of the LaviYu Rainbow Pride Inc (I hope you remember who you are, also new initiative members are welcomed. xD).

Basic outline:
June 6th: Kanda's Birthday + Opening. Basically we'd just post a few works that relate both to the birthday and to LaviYu.
June 7th-13th: Fanfiction week. Now this would be more tricky. It would sort of lose purpose if there weren't at least 2-3 new fics each day of the week, therefore you would be encouraged to sign up for this week beforehand and do try to submit something if you said you would, on that day of the week which you have originally chosen. Basically, we'd at least need 14 people who would write a fic or more each, or 7 people who would write 2 or more each, or so on. However the length of entries doesn't matter, it can be 100 words drabble on one of the themes and still count as a separate entry (for example you could make one long fic, a couple of drabbles, and you'd have a whole day covered). NOTE: THIS WEEK'S CONTENT IS A SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO FICTION BEING SUBMITTED ON JULY 8TH TOO. The most popular suggestions this far are 1) themed works week, 2) contest week. Please let us know which one you like better, or if you'd prefer to go with the original idea.
July 8th: LaviYu day. This is for posting fanart (that way fanartists who have only heard of July 8th will still be right on) and any other shit that doesn't fit in other cathegories (graphics, essays, memes, posting kink requests) or, for example, fics that you didn't manage to finish for the week but still want to share. In other words, anything.
August 3rd-9th: kinkmeme week. This is less difficult than the fiction week but still, at least one new fill every day of the week would be needed, that would mean around 7 people should contribute to it for it to be successful. Might need signing up as well.
August 10th: Lavi's Birthday + closing. Basically we'd just post a few works that relate both to the birthday and to LaviYu.

* if successful, more impressive/serious;
* conveys the original intention of the event as festival;
* still has the LaviYu day in it so last years' advertisement doesn't go down the drain;
* significantly more LaviYu stuff to go around by once it passes.

* more difficult to organize;
* people signing up and later backing off might jeopardize it if not done carefully (like finding someone else to take your place);
* requires more participants/submissions/work.


This is it; please weight everything carefully, and also consider if you yourself will be able to submit anything. We all have lives, it's natural if you don't manage it, but in that case let's be wise and not bite off more than we can chew in the first place, right? And if we can do it, then why not? You may post your opinion now, or, if you have the possibility, vote on the poll on DGD. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you around the Fest no matter which way we establish it!

~ With all regards,
Morphine Dementia,
spokeswoman of the LaviYu FanClub on D.Gray-Divinity Head Committee

If you have further questions, or are willing to help out, or etc, you can contact me here:
Through the Looking-Glass
Morphine Dementia - FanFiction.Net
Morphine-Dementia on deviantART



Let's not forget these lovely babies and, if possible, use it to advertise our matter further. More submissions are always welcomed.

- by Kuro666

- by Milizell [Bigger (XD)]

- by sekitx2

- by Winter Butterfly

laviyu fest

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