My Tale of Woe re: my stupid laptop is nearing an end. I think it's cursed.
This will make literally the fourth time I've had to rebuild my hard drive from scratch since I got the thing two years ago. But this time, it's a whole brand spanking new hard drive, so maybe it's going to be a bit more blessed than its predecessor.
So the techie came by Friday (and it was a chick, which rocked) and replaced my hard drive, motherboard and memory. It's like - would your loved one still be as loved if they had a brain transplant? Is it still my PC when all its guts have been replaced?
I was all prepared to deal with the major PITA of restoring all my apps, music and files and then came to the SHOCKING realization that the backup software I have been using DOESN'T BACKUP OFFICE 2007 FILES!!! It apparently pre-dates Office 2007 and so doesn't pull the extra special file extension Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, decided it was necessary to append onto their files now (i.e. in Word, the extension is .docx rather than .doc). Cocksuckers all.
For some reason, I decided to copy the most important of my files (active client stuff, fics, recipes) onto my external HD on August 30, so all is not lost - just the last two weeks or so. I have lost about 3 WC fics-in-progress though. The cruelest cut of all!
So, many, many thanks for the words of support from my flisties. I'ma stop whining now and get to finishing
usakeh 's fic!
Post Script: I think the moral of the story is to go out and splurge on that extended warranty, peeps. I'm glad I did, or I really would've been hosed.