WC Fic: Henri's in the Cradle

Apr 05, 2013 15:26

Title: Henri’s in the Cradle
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal, LOL Cat Henri, LOL Kitten Simone
Spoilers: None
Content Notice: Crack
Word Count: 200
Summary: Henri misunderstands a song lyric.

A/N: Fill for the Lightning Round over at run_the_con. The prompt was “Cat and the cradle.”



“Henri…. Henri! What are you doing in June’s antique baby cradle? That thing’s worth more than the two of us combined.”

“Iz comfortabuhlz.”

“You’re getting cat hairs all over the damask.”

“Iz that all U seez?”

“Why? Am I supposed to see significance in the fact that my cat is literally in the cradle? Are you rather ham-handedly trying to say something to me?”


“Is this because I stayed at Sara’s last night? I told you that might happen - I even called you on June’s cell to say good night.”

“Draw UR own conclushons, Nealz.”

“Do you really mean to imply, in your use of a classic Harry Chapin song, that I have in any way neglected you?”


“Don’t lick your paws, I’m talking to you. Are you accusing me of poorly-placed priorities? Of ignoring your emotional needs? Me?”


“That is extremely hurtful, Henri.”

“Nealz. Nealz!”

“Don’t talk to me!”


“Dat didn’t go very well, huh papa?”

“No, Simone. What iz dis song?”

“Iz about cats in cradlez and silber spoonz! Iz soundz liek funz 2 me, but I think Nealz is mad!”

“I think U iz rite. He does not think kittehs in cradles is cute.”

“I will take de spoond back 2 June. Sigh.”


Thank you for your time.

Next chapter: Neal and LOLCat Henri: Into Darkness

series: neal vs. lolcat, character: neal caffrey, character: lolcat henri, fics, genre: fluff, genre: humor

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