Title: Neal and LOLCat Henri: Into Darkness
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal and LOLCat Henri
Spoilers: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Content Notice: By now, you know this is crack, right? Dialogue-only.
Word Count: 250
Summary: Henri learns a life lesson from Star Trek: Into Darkness.
A/N: Yes, my love for this movie has crept into other fandoms.
“Shh, Henri, the music is really good - I love Michael Giacchino’s work.”
”But Nealz. Nealz. Nealz.
“Stop poking me. And remind me to clip your claws when we get home. What is it?”
“De Captain, he save de ship?”
“Yes, Henri. He sacrificed his life so that all the men and women on the Enterprise could live.”
“He iz a very great man, de Captain.”
“Yes, his character was very brave. He knew what had to be done, and he did it.”
“He wuz afraid to die?”
“But he sacrificed his life anyway, for the good of all his people. Nelson Mandela once said that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. ”
“You iz brave too, Nealz? And Peter?”
“Well, I mean, there’s always a bit of risk in all our cases, I won’t lie. But we take precautions, Henri, don’t worry.”
“U iz protect all de peoples and de kittehs?”
“Uh, yes, the FBI protects all citizens, uh, equally.”
“U life long and proper, Nealz.”
“Don’t worry, Henri, I’m not going anywhere any time soon.”
Thank you for your time.
Next chapter:
Neal vs. the LOL Kitten