Jan 16, 2008 14:07
Airports are always funny. I'm sitting here with head phones on with my laptop typing away surrounded by people doing the same. I'm trying get into the zone where I can stop looking at the clock and just stop thinking at all. At least for the next 24 hours (about 22 hours of fly time with about 8 hours in layovers.)
When I checked in at the airport the woman at the counter was in the zone. She was just processing me with minimal interest until she saw I was going to New Zealand. It was funny to see it get her mind working again. She started asking me about what I was doing and telling me how much fun I was going to have. She even asked me if I had a girl friend "state side." When I told her I was single she gave me a motherly wink and hoped I find a nice kiwi girl. Why does everyone think I am going to find a girl down here?
For anyone who missed last night's just-one-drink it turned into Mikey drunkenly walking North on MLK from south of Failing Street while wondering out loud, "How the fuck did I get this south? Really?"
I still don't have a good answer. And to my taxi driving friend, I know you were working but that was not the last impression I wanted to leave with you. Though it was beautiful.
I have not posted a blog-ish for a while. Not since I was laid off from ACS I think. That was June and wow. That's about eight months!
Well, I have not had a steady job since but am somehow still managing ok. Working 4 years at the same place for decent pay gave me a pretty good severance package and ample unemployment. Really, getting laid off ended up giving me a lot of opportunities having a job would have prevented. I was able to go to my cousin, Chris's wedding in Connecticut and since I had nothing to come back to I stayed in New York with my brother, Jaime for a few weeks.
I went to South Carolina for the first time in a few years and stayed a month. I had been gone long enough to appreciate some of the nice parts about it. I traveled the area visiting old haunts. There was a morning where I was in a Huddle House so hung over staring down at greasy eggs and grits while "Free Bird" played on the juke box. I was so miserable and yet so at home. It was a blast seeing all of you whom I had not seen in five or six years. So much has changed; so much has stayed the same.
While in the South I was able to find a lot of under-the-table work and lived off that for a while. And now this New Zealand gig is perfect timing. Again, thanks to my amazing brother I have a free place to stay and may have a chance to work on the "Wolverine" movie they are filming down there. The opened ended flare to this trip is very exciting. I have a 12 a month work vise, a backpack, and a one-way ticket. I have a few expectations but I am not holding on to them too tightly.
I'll be in touch (and you do the same.)