I shoveled snow!

Dec 24, 2008 10:06

No, my husband didn't make me. I did it because I've never done it before and I wanted some exercise. I got the walkway between the truck and the exploder and about half of the remainder of the driveway cleared. Jamers will be doing the rest as I'm starting to feel the burn, so to speak.

His daddy will be driving in this evening and as neither Jamers nor I think that his beamer will make it over the foot plus of snow in the driveway we decided to be nice and clear him a place to walk and park.

Jamers is downstairs making potatoes and bacon for yummy breakfast. It smells soooo good! He has to venture out today to the store to get stuff for dinner tomorrow and breakfast (poor planning on both our behalves)

I think I'm going to make a fire later, maybe. The only one we've had this year was on Turkey day. It was wonderful and warm and nice for sitting up in the living/sitting room with friends and having dindins. I think it will be nice for when his dad gets here to be up there by the fire talking.

The snow is starting to melt, thankfully. I'm hoping to have a nice smooth drive to work Friday with no worries about sliding the car.

Oh, and after just having re-read my Lovecraft over the last 7 or so months, this year the "A Very Scary Solstice" cd that Jamers got me a couple years back is even more entertaining. A few of my favorites: It's beginning to look a lot like fishmen, The Shoggoth Song, and The Carol of the Olde Ones. If you like, or especially love Lovecraft, A Very Scary Solstice is a must for the holidays. I just googled it and apparently they have yet another Solstice cd that I just know one day I will possess.

Anyways, toodling off for now, I'll leave you with:
I had a little shoggoth
I conjured up one day.
I used an elder sigil
So shoggoth and I play.

Shoggoth, shoggoth, shoggoth
With mouths and psuedopods.
Shoggth, shoggoth, shoggoth
Foul creature of the gods.

One day while we were playing
My monstrous pal broke free.
I'd dropped the elder sigil,
Lil' Shoggy turned on me.

Shoggoth, shoggoth, shoggoth
He ripped me to a shred.
Shoggoth, shoggoth, shoggoth
We played and now I'm dead.

Sing to The Dredidel Song - and have a very scary solstice to one and all!

weather, lovecraft

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