Dec 23, 2008 17:57
I drove into work this morning. Drove not being maybe the best verb. More like floating mixed with driving. The highways were fine, the streets not so much. I learned about "High Centering" and how chains on your wheels don't really mean anything when the snow lifts your car by the undercarriage and slides you around. I didn't crash and thankfully I made it both to and from work without injury.
I let my boss and all my PMs know I probably won't be in tomorrow given my harrowing adventures this morning. I got all my work done that had time deadlines that I had so there shouldn't be any problems with me missing another day - except for the lack of pay of course.
So I plan on staying in and enjoying one more day of sleeping in and cuddling with furkids and husband. I plan on watching tons of Babylon 5, drinking lots of hot cocoa, and working on what I can in Xander's room. In theory my father in law shows up tomorrow. He is driving up from CA and may or may not make it in time to spend Christmas with us. I hope his trip is safe and I'm sure I-5 is probably kept pretty drivable even if it isn't the most pleasant of road trips.
I have a present under the tree, Jamers does not. I feel bad. Apparently he made me a gift <3 Jamers. I didn't have time to make him something - but he already knew that. So we'll see what wonderful thing he made for me. I'm sure I will love it.
Anyways toodling off for now. Merry Christmas to all.